From: To: ietf-minutes@CNRI.Reston.Va.US Cc: minutes@CNRI.Reston.Va.US Cc: "Gehrett W. Ellis" <gellis@CNRI.Reston.Va.US> Cc: Frank Kastenholz <> Cc: Danny Cohen y <> Subject: Minutes for the MsgWay-WG mtg, at IETF'36 Date: Sun, 30 Jun 96 19:11:56 -0700 ******************************************************** * The attendents list will be mailed on Monday to CNRI * ******************************************************** Minutes of the MsgWay-WG meeting at IETF'36 ------------------------------------------- The meeting was held on Monday, June-24, during IETF36. The following agenda was agreed upon: (1) Name change from "MessageWay" to "PktWay" (2) Report on "The MSU UDP Implementation of PktWay (MsgWay)" By Thomas McMahon, MSU (3) "Tentative MSU PacketWay Multicast Strawman Document Presentation" By Thomas McMahon, MSU (4) "PktWay Proposed Security Extensions" By Robert George, MSU (1) Name-Change: Danny reported that it was brought to our attention that both "MsgWay" and "MessageWay" are registered trademarks of Impact-Media, inc. This name is used for some EDI protocol used between banks. The lawyers of Impact-Media are very persisting that we should not use that name. Hence, we have to change the name. Tony Skjellum proposed "PktWay" and "PacketWay". the MsgWay-WG agreed to this name change. hence, now we are the PktWay-WG. Danny will change the name of the mailing list to be <> and Jon will change the name of the its archive. Frank will ask the IESG secretary to modify the name in the IESG and the IETF files. (2) Thom McMahon of MSU reported on their implementation of PktWay over UDP before implementing it over real SANs such as RACEway and Myrinet. (3) Thom then presented their tentative PktWay Multicast Strawman. Frank and Jon pointed out that this strawman has a lot in common with other IETF working groups that also deal with multicast and suggested that Thom would review the related work done in the other WGs of the IETF. (4) Bob George of MSU presented proposed security extensions for PktWay. Again, Frank and Jon pointed out that this strawman has a lot in common with other IETF working groups that also deal with multicast and suggested that Bob would review the related work done in the other WGs of the IETF. It was agreed to include in the PktWay document a section about security, even though secure-PktWay is an applique over PktWay. Bob George will prepare the first draft of this section. Danny will help him. .............................................................................. The next meeting of the PktWay-WG will take place in Dec-96, at IETF'37 in beautiful downtown San Jose. Danny will ask ARPA not to schedule yet another PI meeting at the same week. Danny will, by the end of July, issue the next version of the PktWay document. ============================================================================== ******************************************************** * The attendents list will be mailed on Monday to CNRI * ********************************************************