Media Gateway Control WG (megaco) Monday, August 06 at 1300-1500 =============================== CHAIRS: Tom Taylor <> AGENDA: 1. Agenda bashing (2 minutes) 2. Megaco Status (15 minutes) a. IETF activity b. SG 16 activity Includes discussion of Packages Guide supplement c. SG 11 activity d. Other 3. Initial work items under re-charter (30 minutes) See list of current drafts at the end of this note. Discussion can include further work items which should be undertaken. Should get some idea of priorities and schedule out of this discussion. 4. Megaco and MPLS (5 minutes) 5. Scripting involving multiple endpoints (10 minutes) (has relevance to IN) 6. Profiles (5 minutes) 7. MG and MGC state machines for control associations (10 minutes) 8. H.248v2 discussion (30 minutes) Spare (20+ minutes) ---------------------- List of current megaco drafts: draft-madhubabu-megaco-qospackage-00.txt Megaco/H.248 QoS Packages draft-taylor-megaco-enhalpkgs-00.txt Megaco/H.248 Enhanced Analog Line Packages draft-manyfolks-megaco-caspackage-00.txt Megaco/H.248 Basic CAS Packages draft-ietf-megaco-r2package-02.txt Megaco/H.248 R2 Package draft-rosen-megaco-namepatterns-00.txt Name Pattern Package for Megaco draft-ietf-megaco-naspkg-03.txt Megaco/H.248 NAS Package draft-boyle-megaco-alerting-02.txt Enhanced Alerting Packages for Megaco/H.248 draft-cutler-megaco-mgc-cookie-02.txt MGC Cookie Package for Megaco/H248 draft-boyle-megaco-tonepkgs-05.txt Supplemental Tones Packages for Megaco/H.248 (Completed list Last Call, bounced by IESG) draft-doyle-megaco-tonesmib-00.txt Tones MIB for Megaco/H.248 draft-bouwen-megaco-isdn-data-00.txt Extensions to Megaco to support Data in an ISDN D-channel draft-ietf-megaco-mib-02.txt MEGACO MIB draft-rosen-megaco-atm-package-00.txt Megaco ATM Package draft-bouwen-megaco-isdn-pack-01.txt ISDN Package for Megaco draft-bouwen-megaco-isdn-bcp-01.txt Best Current Practice for Megaco-Sigtran Interaction in ISDN Acces... draft-ietf-megaco-h248f-01.txt H.248 Annex F (Fax, Text Conversation, and Call discrimination)) draft-madhu-megaco-callflows-00.txt Megaco/H.248 Call flow examples draft-bothwell-megaco-mftonepkgs-00.txt MF Tone Generation and Detection Packages I believe we should also consider: draft-taylor-mmusic-sdp-tdm-00.txt Conventions for the use of the Session Description Protocol (SDP)f... I draw your attention to: draft-sijben-rtp-proxy-00.txt RTP proxies for firewall traversal