Media Gateway Control (megaco)

 Last Modified: 2006-03-24

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Tom Taylor  <>

 Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Director(s):
     Jon Peterson  <>
     Cullen Jennings  <>

 Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Advisor:
     Jon Peterson  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       subscribe megaco

Description of Working Group:

Note: There is an additional file storage area at

      There is a Web interface (up to February 2001 only):

The Megaco media gateway control protocol, RFC 3015 (also published as 
ITU-T Recommendation H.248), was developed by the Megaco Working Group 
in close cooperation with ITU-T Study Group 16. The protocol responds
to the requirements documented in RFC 2805.

The Megaco Working Group has identified a large number of corrections
to the protocol specification in the year and a half since RFC 
H.248 was approved. As guardians of the protocol specification, Study 
Group 16 maintains a record of these corrections in the form of an 
"Implementor's Guide". Study Group 16 now proposes to issue a new 
version of Recommendation H.248 incorporating these corrections and a 
limited number of new protocol features. The current charter includes 
one package, on naming patterns. If the WG determines that other 
packages are of general usefulness, an AD and IESG review is needed to 
permit addition of the package to the charter.

The basic mandate of the Megaco Working Group is to cooperate with the 
ITU-T in the continuing refinement and evolution of the Megaco/H.248 
protocol. This specifically includes participation in the development
of H.248v2 and subsequent versions, creation of packages of general 
usefulness to users of the protocol, and creation of documents
providing additional information to the development community on 
specific aspects of the protocol.

The work of package development for specific applications is 
specifically excluded from the Working Group's mandate. However, the 
Megaco list will continue to be a place where such packages can be 
discussed and refined before being submitted to the IESG for potential 
publication as individually-submitted RFCs.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Submit Initial draft of architecture and requirements document 

   Done         Initial draft of protocol between MC and MG 

   Done         Updated draft of protocol between MC and MG 

   Done         Initial draft of MG and MC MIBs 

   Done         Submit architecture and requirements document to IESG 

   Done         Submit protocol(s) between MC and MG to IESG for publication as 

   Done         Submit protocol to ITU-T SG 16 for decision as Recommendation 

   Feb 2002       Submit RFC MIBs for MC and MG to IESG for publication as RFCs 

   Feb 2002       Submit standards Track document reproducing the content of 
                H.248v2 to the IESG 

   Mar 2002       Submit Megaco/H.248 MIB to the IESG 

   Mar 2002       Submit standards Track document, naming pattern package, to the 

   May 2002       Submit Informational document, example Megaco/H.248 call flows, 
                to the IESG 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC2805 I    Apr 2000    Media Gateway Control Protocol Architecture and 

RFC2885 PS   Aug 2000    MEGACO Protocol 

RFC2886 PS   Aug 2000    Megaco Errata 

RFC3015 PS   Dec 2000    Megaco Protocol (With erratta folded in) 

RFC3054 I    Feb 2001    Megaco IP Phone Media Gateway Application Profile 

RFC3525 PS   Jun 2003    Gateway Control Protocol Version 1