Agenda Bashing

MadDogs Update

Deferred by Meyer

GLOP Draft Status
-	draft-ietf-mboned-glop-addressing-00.txt
-	233/8 with AS in middle 2 octets
-	233/8 assigned by IANA - runs out in June, can be renewed

transition from GLOP
GLOP addressing in 233/8
WG last call

Thaler: Why look at this for 232/8 - Is 64 bit addressing an issue?

Meyer - possible that there may be single source models that don't use extended addresses. (not ESL model)

Meyer - We should *not* move GLOP to BCP for now.

Ron Roberts - can we determine which addresses are generating high bandwidth?

Meyer - not addressed yet - submit a draft.

Randy - conflict between last call and the experimental nature of address space

Meyer - leave it experimental.

Anycast RP draft status (DMM slides)
-	name change - foo-anycast-rp-00.txt within a domain, deploy more than one RP for the same group range give each RP the same IP address assignment
-	anycast address sources and receivers use closest RP

sources known RP-RP via MSDP (convergence slide)
Lots of deployment (i.e. Sprint)
PIM-SM slide (Sprint)

generic anycast approuch (level3 DNS servers)

(unknown) ? about  MSDP events of last week

DMM - SA storms caused by SA looping - caused by ability to set defaults routes - instance of mis-configuration causing storm ... (blah)

need tools (peer-RPF for upwards trace)


Pusatari - Terminolgy a problem


Section 6.2 interactions 

single-homed MSDP speaker always accept ...seems like a bad thing

doesn't say which address to use - some practices active but not documented

6.2.4 default peers - what are default peers? seems like a bad idea

6.2.4 - bad because it shuts off split horizon

Dino - can't do default route since you might not be directly connected to MSDP peer -

Pusatari: could tunnel

resolution - take to MSDP working group will import MSDP desicions back into this group

MRM status: (Kevin Almeroth)
-	mrm manager
-	mrm agent
o	Test Sender (TS)
o	Test Receiver (TR)

-	message types (TSR) (TRR)
-	TSs generate packets (DT - packet ? contol or data? - KA - data)
-	TRs are polled or generate alerts (loss thresh)
-	beacon messages refreach state
o	can also updaye (unreliably) state


key is holdtome
-	tells sender how long to send
-	tells R how long to listen

-	TRs start test when hearing 1st packet or after timeout value specified in the TRR
-	holdtime of 0 stops test


intra-domain management tool (NOC)
-	reachablity combined w/other tools

inter-domain in the style of sdr-monitor

-	new draft
-	growing vendor support
o	cisco version in S code train
o	Nortel & Junier in the works
-	End host implamentation
-	manager support in development (mmon)

-	name change "reachablity"
-	admin changes + clarification
-	add a length field (16 bytes - 2048 kbytes)
-	monitoring existing groups is put on hold
-	support for beacon messages is optional in the manager

Open Issues:
-	best way to do security (?)
-	how to monitor existing groups
-	NACKs for TSRs/TRRs
o	needed for inter-domain or dynamic conditions
-	better support for alternate packet types
-	good justification in the face of SNMP


-	Keep thinking about SNMP (answers 1st 3 bullets)
-	read RTP MIB (common goals) 
-	recommend: framework independent of control protocol

RTP MIB has support for TR could evolve to supporting all MRM requirements (TS etc.)

Fenner:   Not sure what linkages - but will be backwards compatable

Almeroth: DT what piece of draft do you want moved to an archetecture?

-	Abstract out transport, security model, test data format and
-	TR/TS model.  Examine the transport protocol in seperate doc (RTP MIB integration)

Fenner:   Agree with Thaler

Connecting Multicast Domains (Brad Cain):



providers PIM-SM/MSDP?MBGP
describes options
-	Border Routers

cache architecture
protocols submit (s,g) forwarding entries to shared table
several ways to bring transit sources into stub domains
-	domain wide reports
-	recievers are senders heuristic
MSDP on boarder

Flood-and Prune protocols

Stub transit examples (see slides)


enterprises use as intra-domain routing protocol
connection options are
-	standard MSDP MSDP to provider
-	stub domain may use providers RPs
-	stub domain becomes extension of provider PIM domain
-	may have its own RP for admin scoped addresses


Thaler: Unfortunately, admin scoped domain not allowed in PIM2.
Cain:   Filter RP data sets at the border
Thaler: Need a draft in PIM WG - I'll help.

MPSPF in stub

easy to connect because
 - group LSAs provide global group membership info - >>



need comments on draft
-	dvmrp<-> MBGP
-	default route use in stub
section on BiDir tress
-	BGMP and PIM-SM bidir
publish as informational doc 

SDP and Multicat scoping (Colin Perkins)


SDP containd a mc address

-	announce session w/ SAP
-	include a scope indentfier

How to choose the scope identifier

MZAP has a scope name would require
-	manditory
-	name allocation

MZAP zone ID
-	unique (may change w/time)
-	may be static enough best option now

-	problem that needs solving?
-	use zone ID
-	any alternatives

Le MUR - Multicast relays in firewalls
(Carsten Bormann)

-	don't let bad packets in
-	don't let confidential packets out

Unicast considerations
-	need to be able to talk back to source
a.	multicast everything
b.	allow unicast path back
-	external sources - need dynamic hole punching address translation
o	little need to translate multicast addresses
o	translate unicast address

Running firewall:

Packet filters
-	can't unicast back to source
-	rewrite source address (NAT)
-	use HTTP for feedback (protocol change)
Proxy firewalls
-	terminate in firewall
-	run internal instance of mc
-	translate between domains
-	need way for proxy to represent multiple internal members
Multicast relays
-	RTP translator idea
-	relaying destroys sender addresses
-	congestion control info

Unicast relay
-	NAT/PAT translate between service models