[Note - One still unresolved issue from Munich surrounds
	the assignment (or non-assigment) of addresses from the
	IPv4 Local Admin Scope. This issue was raised by the
	people from SRCLOC WG, and has yet to be resolved. -- DM]

		MBONE Deployment (MBONED) WG minutes
	                      39th IETF
		             August, 1997
                           Munich, Germany

MBONED Working Group, Wed 1:00-3:15
Chaired by David Meyer
Minutes recorded by Dino Farinacci

Dave Meyer
Active Drafts
- There are 7 active drafts:
  Pruning, rate-liming guide, admin-ip-scope, irmp-some-issues, 
  intro-multicast, mdh, sntp-heart

Charter included
- draft-gentile-multicast-deployment-00.txt needs an owner
- RPSL support for tunnels is done

John Hawkinson - Pruning Draft Status
- Some editorial changes and resubmitted to meet IESG requirements
- Send out for last call
- Done in 15 seconds

Dave Meyer - Draft Updates
- IESG is chewing on it (Informational RFC)

- Also at the IESG (BCP draft)
- There was a request to allocate a portion of the administratively scoped
  address range
- Service Location people requested a 1024 sized block of group addresses
    - Steve Casner indicated two ways to solve this problem:
	o Use a single address that bootstraps other addresses
        o Use a single address and have SAP allocate the other addresses
    - Functional allocations should be allocated by IANA. The working group
      may allocate a range to IANA
- Concensus, is to modify the draft to allow IANA to assign address in a

Dave Thaler - (for Rusty Eddy) PIM-SM Interop Testing
- gated and cisco's running in the lab
  o tested C-RP and C-BSR scenarios
  o Hellos and DR election
  o C-RP hash function
  o BSR election and RP-st distribution
  o IGMP reports and leaves
  o simple join/prune
  o register encap/decap in both direction (csico ,-> gated)
  o register-top from cisco to gated
  o SPT join from cisco to gated
- to be tested
  o Assert mechanism
  o more extensive join/prune
  o SPT from gated to cisco
  o interop with pimd (run over the same unix kernel)
  o stress testing
  o http://catarina.usc.edu/pim (implementation section)

Dave Thaler - Some DVMRP Route Observations 
- http://www.merit.edu/mbone/.stats.html
- Days in June/July monitored DVMRP routing table
  o periodic updates/min 21.07/30.77/41.50 95/96/97 report packets
  o triggered updates 8.09/9.73/68.30 95/96/97
  o metric changes 37.994/93.84/342.36 95/96/97
- 95 - 2500 routes, 96 - 4000 routes, 97- 5000 routes
- Top 100 unstable routes
  o 82 are /24s from one provider

Jeff Smith - A New Multicast Debugging Tool (mtool)
- NTT developing a monitoring tool for corporate multicast networks.

Sue Hares - Multicast Additions for RPSL
- Generate Multicast Configurations requires Interface Policy
- No interface policy in current RPSL and multicast requires interface policy

Martin Tatham - ftp://ftp.labs.bt.com/pub/idmr/bt_idmr_reg.tar.gz
Shared Trees - Distinct policy on "Cores"

John Meylor - IPMI Update
- IPMI is building a "Multicast Channel" to provide content to expedite
  multicast deployment

MBONED Working Group, Wed 7:30-10:00
Chaired by David Meyer
Minutes recorded by Dino Farinacci

Liming Wei - MRSM
o Goals
    - Use to detect faults in multicast routing
    - Isolate location of fault
    - Reliability
    - Security concerns
    - Want to have good coverage of faults
    - Good Extensibility
    - Low overhead
o What is a fault
    - Topological disconnectivity
    - Blackholes in forwarding path
    - Excessive/persistent packet losses
    - Excessive duplicates
o Now use
    - mtrace, rsh, traceroute, a combination of
o Protocol Components
    - MRSM monitor, Test Sender (TS), Test Receiver (TR)
o Protocol Messages
    - Beacon, Monitor Requests, Statistics Reports

Van Jacobson - DVMRP Route (In)Stability in the MBONE (preliminary results)
o During average hour, 5500 routes, 66% were stable.
o But ~3000 routes were changing.
o Instability caused by a protocol implementation.
o http://ganef.cs.ucla.edu/~masseyd/Route for further information on route

Mark Handley - Admin Scope Zone Discovery
o Larger scope zones can be flooded through local scope zones using an
  address from the local scoped zone.
o Flooded with reverse path checks.
o Requirement is to not originate an advertisement in x time after receiving
o Use ID to suppress loops between local scoped zones.

David Meyer - Assignment of Admin Scoped Addresses
o How to do assignment?
o What is an "appropriate" assignment/allocation?
o Who is the allocation "authority"
o Additional document required?
o Appropriate scopes? Multiple scopes?
o Put TBDs in document
o Add reference to document describing assignment guidelines
o SvrLoc needs 1024 assignments and can't really work with only 1 well-known
o Single globally assigned group to bootstrap and get more addresses (scoped
  using the globally assigned group).