Draft MBONED WG Minutes
47th IETF
Adelaide, Australia
27 March 2000

1.      Updates
2.      Overview of SSM Activity - Source Specific Multicast
3.      Usage in 232/8
4.      Sprint's PIM-SO Deployment Plans
5.      MSDP Traceroute
6.      Anycast-RP for IPv6
7.      Inter-Domain Multicast Forwarding

Scribe: Evi Nemeth (evi@cs.colorado.edu)


        o GLOP Addressing (RFC 2770) is done. In addition
          the IANA has granted another year for 233/8. 

        o MZAP (RFC 2776) is done.

        o Anycast-RP -- draft-ietf-mboned-anycast-rp-05.txt

          There are still some questions about this one. In
          particular, should it be Experimental or
          Informational. ADs seem to be of the opinion that
          Experimental is the appropriate category.   

          Comments on this point:

          Steve Casner - Informational is ok, but its really more
          than that, informational ok for things not specifying
          protocol, just methods.  

          Meyer -- BCP inappropriate, too strong.  

          Randy Bush -- Read the definition of Informational
          and Experimental, thinks it should be Experimental.  

          Steve Casner -- If its deployed in lots of places its BCP. 

          Jeremy Hall -- Was BGP Experimental or BCP. 
          Jhawk  --  BGP3 is experimental. so it should stay

          Meyer said take it to Experimental to advance it.

2. Overview Of SSM Activity - Source Specific Multicast (SSM)
John Meylor (Cisco)

        Gave a quick overview of current multicast and how SSM would
        relate to it. In particular, how SSM can simplify things
        if the source is well-known. Shortest path tree can be created 
        right away, doesn't need shared tree and data to
        renegotiate path. One important point is that the value
        of SSM is lost if one mixes shared trees and SPT in
        232/8. This turned out to be controversial.

3. Usage in 232/8 -- draft-shepherd-ssm232-00.txt
Greg Shepherd (Cisco Systems) 

        232/8 space set aside for source only trees.  SSM doesn't
        work well if different domains treat 232/8 differently.

        Steve Deering -- The original idea was to set aside 232/8
        and in this part of the space you have to identify your
        sources. Do not wire in knowledge about this piece of
        address space (a la the admin. scoped space). 

        John Meylor -- Agreed with Steve Deering on the above
        point.  There are knobs to do specific SSM things, but
        wont hard code anything.  

        Steve Deering: Wants to preclude hazards and not lock
        things in for all time.  I.e, make it an operational
        issue, and make the default behavior treat 232/8 this

        Greg Shepherd -- Some mechanism needs to be implemented,
        filtering or hard coded. 

        Meyer - some folks are using 232/8.  Content providers
        wanted more addresses. Among other things, this makes
        filtering 232/8 a contentious issue for us.

        Dave Thaler -- "Minority Opinion" or  application
        viewpoint. Point: In order to use SSM in 232/8 with
        filtering, both hosts and routers have to be upgraded,
        different lans will take different paths from current
        IGMP2 to IGMP3.  Main point: There are financial
        disincentives to filtering (*,g) in 232/8. So don't filter
        till most hosts and routers are using IGMP3. 

        John Meylor --  What is  the incentive to move from
        traditional to 232/8. Its not enough for iana to say don't
        do it. Filtering in the application layer goes away if
        they upgrade.  But, address collisions can occur.  

        Suggested middle ground - what about new range or part of
        232 that is not filtered. 

        Jeremy Hall --  Content providers have taken 232 space
        when they shouldn't and so if it wont work so what. 

        John Meylor -- There are only a few and they know the
        implications and its ok. do we see a value of precluding
        shared trees in an address range.  If so we have to filter. 

        Randy Bush -- What went wrong, why is there this
        conflict. We need to find a way to transition content into
        that space (232). 

        Steve Casner - What are the guarantees that need to be
        given for 232/8 to be useful?

        John Meylor -- Large PIM domains that source content into,
        content provider cant guarantee what receiver gets, so
        cant do service level agreements with their

        Colin Perkins - They pay per byte, so thats an incentive
        to upgrade. 

        John Meylor - Is not suggesting that we limit source
        specific joins to the 232 space, suggesting that in 232
        thats the only way to get data. If you know the source,
        should be able to join it in any address range.  

4. Sprint's  PIM-SO Deployment Plans -- draft-bhattach-diot-PIMSO-00.txt
Gene Bowen (Sprint Labs)

        SSM seems to fit what most content providers want, can do
        it with hacks to PIM sparse mode. The draft is
        available for anyone who wants to contribute, not in IETF
        process now. Discussion centered around Sprint's
        deployment plans. It was proposed that the Sprint
        specific deployment sections be removed and the document
        made it to a framework document for SSM. Current
        documents relevant to SSM:


5. MSDP Traceroute to MSDP Working Group, out of time

6. Anycast-RP for IPv6
Brian Haberman (Nortel)

        Described extensions to MSDP and Anycast RP for IPv6.
        Draft forthcoming.

7. Inter-Domain Multicast Forwarding -- draft-jibiki-iwata-mboned-idmf-00.txt
Atsushi Iwata

        Proposed extension to MSDP forwarding. Time ran short and 
        discussion was pushed to the MSDP WG.