Minutes of the Adelaide MANET WG Meeting

Reported by Roger Kermode
edited by Scott Corson and Joe Macker.


Marc Pearlman (Cornell) gave an update to ZRP.  The overall ZRP
architecture was revised.   It is based on the notion that when a route is
needed, its uses flood searching to determine route.  This is improved  by
aiming requests towards the border of a zone that is defined to be no
greater than a limited number of hops away.  The bordercasting method
was upgraded from unicast to multicast, and now includes bordercast trees,
extended routing zones and revised query control.

Several concerns with this approach were addressed: (1) relaying querys to 
peripheral nodes may be more efficient but overlapping routing zones lead 
to redundancy (this can be resolved by query control mechanisms that 
identify and discard redundant queries) (2) it is more efficient than 
flooding but multiple copies traverse the same virtual link more than 
once.  A proposed solution is
to use multicast to reduce duplicates, but this requires the construction
of a bordercast tree.  Options to do this require appending a bordercast tree
to link state message of surrounding RHO j hops (routing zone), and having
each node constructs all the bordercast trees for which it is forwarding.
This requires link state of surrounding (RHO -1) + (RHO) = 2RHO -1 hops
(extended routing zones).  The new architecture requires exposure of
BRP at every node.

Simulation models will be made available in OpNET and ns-2 in about 4-5 weeks.
The IARP and BRP are as described in draft.  Different versions of IERP
will be offered: AODV, DSR, TORA.

(Q): Do you have any results on stability?
(A): some.
(DJ): Which version of ns extensions do you presently use (VINT-provided) 
or CMU's?
(A) MP: CMU's not the present VINT snapshot.
(DJ): Good, the VINT one at present doesn't quite match what we've done.


Charlie Perkins (Nokia) gave an update on AODV.  It was recently discovered
by folks at UPenn that AODV has a problem with forgetting sequence numbers.
This problem allowed routing loops to form when a node reboots and loses state.
The solution adopted was the same as that provided by the UPenn contingent.
A DELETE_PERIOD was introduced during which time AODV will not respond
to route requests.  Also AODV keeps track of sequence numbers of broken routes.
A similar fixed is needed for multicast.  After reboot, a node loses all of 
its multicast tree information.  The suggested fix is to broadcast a MACT 
with 'R' bit set so that upstream neighbors delete the node from any 
relevant lists of next hops.

Scott Corson (SC) suggested these were probabilistic fixes to the protocol
to reduce (although not eliminate) the probability of bad behavior. CP 
seemed to agree, and had no answer as to what would occur if, for example, the
MACT message with 'R' bit set were lost in transmission as reliable delivery
is not guaranteed in the protocol.

An AODV option for IP Address Autoconfiguration was suggested that borrows
from work underway within the ZeroConf WG.  It is based on the reasoning
that we can't use ARP, so we will use a route request instead to query
for address usage.  If no one replies, then assume that you can use an
address.  This still suffers from the merged partitions problem
as does the ZeroConf approach.

Other details in the update concerned assigned type numbers for extensions,
a modified appendix, fixes to typos, and corrected handling of sequence numbers
in RERR message.  An IPv6 version of messages should be ready by the next IETF.

Charlie Perkins (CP) asked the audience: Should RREQ/RREP contain source
routes? If so, how long should route information persist?  We don't
know how long to keep this information?  He also said they are re-thinking
service discovery extensions.

A discussion followed regarding potential convergence of AODV and DSR.

CP said that adding source route information to AODV isn't copying DSR.

DJ replied that removing source routes from DSR via recent modifications to 
DSR isn't copying AODV, making the point that we are not converging.  DSR 
can be viewed as a loosely-consistent link state algorithm.  It was 
mentioned that JJ et al. at UCSC had developed STAR, another on-demand link 
state algorithm.

CP suggested that we can use a continuum of methods with varying state 
requirements.  CP also said that people didn't like the original service 
discovery extensions because it violated the separation of 
layers.  However, Bluetooth is asking that we take this approach. So is 
this a good way or not?

Joe Macker (JM) then replied that as far as multi-hop service location 
goes, there's an evolving spectrum of ways to accomplish this goal, e.g. 
anycast support at the routing layer.  CP says that this is dangerous and 
JM replied that we have a paper on general methods that are simple and seem 
to work reasonable well as an alternative design choice.

(DJ) What do you want source routes in AODV for?
(CP) This allows us to make our routing tables to look like DV in structure.
(DJ) Is this discussed in the draft?
(CP) no.
(DJ) Is there more information on how the DELETE_PERIOD is calculated.
(CP) If we have to rely on HELO msgs then one has to wait for n+1  HELOs to 
be lost.
(DJ) Then it's based on how long it takes to do link breakage detection?
(CP) yes.
(DJ) Do rebooted nodes start at seq_num = 0?
(CP) yes.
(DJ) Does seq_num = zero override previous seq_num?
(CP) Yes, you want to make sure that you get rid of all the bad routes 
before you start updating the remaining ones.

DJ then suggested that nodes on the other side of the partition won't see 
seq_num = 0.


Amir Qayyum (INRIA) gave an update of OLSR.  A summary of the changes from 
version 00 to 01 of the draft include: neighbor sensing mechanism added, 
multipoint relay forwarding added, content and generation of Topology Control
(TC) packet modified and power conservation mode added for one-time or 
intermittent sleep periods which negotiates with MPRs which ones will 
buffer packets for sleeping nodes.

Work underway on OLSR includes an implementation by HIPERCOM at the MAC 
level. The MAC Level implementation for INRIA Rocquencourt is working over 
802.11 with 20 nodes using Linux 2.2.12, FreeBSD 3.3 and Win NT/98. 
Tunneling is used to access nodes of the same network via cable. A gateway 
was implemented for access to Internet. An IP level implementation is 
underway at Aalborg University, Denmark for 802.11.  also, the PRIMA 
project is concerned with long range and slow speed  networks.  It is using 
network cards by SATEL modified by COMATIS. and is implementing OLSR at IP 
level on Linux, and is doing simulations in Opnet and NS.  Also, the COMPAS 
project is studying multicast, QoS, efficient bandwidth utilization and is 
adding multicast to OLSR.

Q: Will Aalborg and PRIMA be independent implementations?
A: yes.
Q: Will they be public releases?
A: don't know yet.

Edge Mobility Architecture (EMA)

A. O'Neill (BT) gave a presentation on an Edge Mobility Architecture.
The draft for this presentation is in the Internet Drafts directory
as an independent submission.  His presentation gave a GPRS tutorial, and
talked of UMTS convergence: must allow for 3G, Bluetooth, etc. to co-exist.
He then described the EMA Handover Architecture that, at the IP level,
makes use of messages that are abstractions of those carried in cellular
networks today.  Also, the EMA uses temporary tunnels to reduce or eliminate
packet loss during handover.

Within the EMA, Inter-Domain mobility is handled via interdomain handover.
A mobile node (MN) crosses administrative boundaries and mobility
is handled by Mobile IP and/or SIP.  Current research is exploring whether
MANET algorithms can be used to help with mobility management and routing
in cellular networks.  In particular, to be used for the injection of
host-specific routes into an IP domain.

(Q): Will the routing poison mechanisms work for host-specific routes?
(A): I don't know yet, I'm asking the WG.

(Q): Why doesn't mobile IP work to solve your requirements?
(A): it uses tunnels and we don't want to use them in a fully-converged 
fixed/mobile routing domain if we can avoid them.

Mobile Enhanced Routing (EMA-TORA)

Scott Corson (UMD) then presented work on Fixed/Mobile-Converged Routing 
that is related to the EMA presentation.  The work concerns extensions to 
the MANET algorithm TORA, for use as a fixed network routing algorithm in 
large-scale domains with hierarchical mesh topologies, and for permitting 
localized injection of host-specific route information. It makes use of EMA 
mechanisms for handover including temporary tunnels to suppress undesirable 
routing behavior.

A comment from the audience was that soft hand-off is used in 3G. AO'N 
replied that in the EMA, hand-off happens quickly without duplicast, and 
that, looking forward, the costs of supporting soft handover may not be 
compatible with the desire to support a full-IP infrastructure.

AO'N was asked what EMA is used for?  He suggested that EMA intends to 
address micro-mobility, and that Mobile/SIP appear better suited for 
macro-mobility, but was not ruling out the usage of Mobile IP near-term for 
handover support.

Open Discussion

The discussion then moved back to MANET WG items.  JM suggested that we 
need to move to the next stage of MANET.  Some document cores were looking 
pretty mature, but now we're now seeing some feature creep in certain 
areas. We should talk about locking some things down and generating some 
RFCs. Eric Guttman (EG) suggested that OSPF has separate documents, and we 
could use this model for handling multicast and other protocol extensions. 
CP then added that we're dropping service discovery from AODV, but what 
about interoperability requirements? JM said this is fairly loose at 
present. We need something that can at the very minimum act as a stub 
network. We need applicability statements to better describe what the 
protocols are designed to do (and not to do). This is similar to the 
concept of applicability statements being applied in other working groups 
(e.g., the RMT WG).