Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (manet)

 Last Modified: 2009-04-22

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Joseph Macker  <>
     Ian Chakeres  <>

 Routing Area Director(s):
     Stewart Bryant  <>
     Adrian Farrel  <>

 Routing Area Advisor:
     Stewart Bryant  <>

     Ulrich Herberg  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       subscribe manet

Description of Working Group:

The purpose of the MANET working group is to standardize IP routing
protocol functionality suitable for wireless routing application within
both static and dynamic topologies with increased dynamics due to node
motion or other factors.

Approaches are intended to be relatively lightweight in nature, 
for multiple hardware and wireless environments, and address scenarios
where MANETs are deployed at the edges of an IP infrastructure. Hybrid
mesh infrastructures (e.g., a mixture of fixed and mobile routers)
should also be supported by MANET specifications and management 

Using mature components from previous work on experimental reactive and
proactive protocols, the WG will develop two Standards track routing
protocol specifications:

- Reactive MANET Protocol (RMP)
- Proactive MANET Protocol (PMP)

If significant commonality between RMRP and PMRP protocol modules is
observed, the WG may decide to go with a converged approach. Both IPv4
and IPv6 will be supported. Routing security requirements and issues
will also be addressed.

The MANET WG will also develop a scoped forwarding protocol that can
efficiently flood data packets to all participating MANET nodes. The
primary purpose of this mechanism is a simplified best effort multicast
forwarding function. The use of this protocol is intended to be applied
ONLY within MANET routing areas and the WG effort will be limited to
routing layer design issues.

The MANET WG will pay attention to the OSPF-MANET protocol work within
the OSPF WG and IRTF work that is addressing research topics related to
MANET environments.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Post as an informational Internet-Drafts a discussion of mobile 
                ad-hoc networking and issues. 

   Done         Agenda bashing, discussion of charter and of mobile ad hoc 
                networking draft. 

   Done         Discuss proposed protocols and issues. Redefine charter. 

   Done         Publish Informational RFC on manet design considerations 

   Done         Review the WG Charter and update 

   Done         Submit AODV specification to IESG for publication as 
                Experimental RFC 

   Done         Develop I-D for potential common manet encapsulation protocol 

   Done         Submit initial I-D(s) of candidate proposed routing protocols 
                and design frameworks 

   Done         Promote implementation, revision, and testing of initial 
                proposed I-D(s) 

   Done         Explore basic performance and implementation issues of initial 

   Done         Explore proposed proactive protocol design commonalities 

   Done         Submit DSR specification to IESG for publication as 
                Experimental RFC 

   Done         Submit OLSR specification to IESG for publication as 
                Experimental RFC 

   Done         Submit TBRPF specification to IESG for publication as 
                Experimental RFC 

   Done         Develop a further focused problem statement and address an 
                approach for a common engineering work effort 

   Done         Reevaluate the WG's potential based on the problem statement 

   Done         Submit initial ID of RMP for WG review 

   Done         Submit initial ID of PMP for WG review 

   Done         Submit inital ID of generalized MANET flooding approach 

   Done         Revise WG documents and review 

   Done         Document initial implementation progress and experience Revise 
                documents based upon implementation experience 

   Done         Submit initial WG ID on Neighborhood Discovery (NHDP) 

   Done         Submit PacketBB to IESG 

   Done         Submit initial WG ID on MIB for NHDP, DYMO, OLSRv2 

   Apr 2007       Submit NHDP to IESG 

   Apr 2007       Submit DYMO to IESG 

   Apr 2007       Submit OLSRv2 to IESG 

   Apr 2007       Submit SMF to IESG 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Jul 2005 Mar 2011   <draft-ietf-manet-smf-11.txt>
                Simplified Multicast Forwarding 

Jun 2006 Dec 2010   <draft-ietf-manet-nhdp-15.txt>
                Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Neighborhood Discovery Protocol 

May 2008 Jan 2011   <draft-ietf-manet-dymo-mib-04.txt>
                Definition of Managed Objects for the DYMO Manet Routing 

Apr 2009 Jan 2011   <draft-ietf-manet-smf-mib-02.txt>
                Definition of Managed Objects for the Manet Simplified 
                Multicast Framework Relay Set Process 

May 2009 Jan 2011   <draft-ietf-manet-nhdp-mib-07.txt>
                Definition of Managed Objects for the Neighborhood Discovery 

May 2009 Jan 2011   <draft-ietf-manet-olsrv2-mib-03.txt>
                Definition of Managed Objects for the Optimized Link State 
                Routing Protocol version 2 

Jun 2010 Mar 2011   <draft-ietf-manet-packetbb-sec-03.txt>
                MANET Cryptographical Signature TLV Definition 

Jul 2010 Feb 2011   <draft-ietf-manet-report-mib-01.txt>
                Definition of Managed Objects for Performance Reporting 

Nov 2010 Nov 2010   <draft-ietf-manet-dlep-00.txt>
                Dynamic Link Exchange Protocol (DLEP) 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC2501 I    Feb 1999    Mobile Ad hoc Networking (MANET): Routing Protocol 
                       Performance Issues and Evaluation Considerations 

RFC3561 E    Jul 2003    Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing 

RFC3626 E    Oct 2003    Optimized Link State Routing Protocol 

RFC3684 E    Feb 2004    Topology Dissemination Based on Reverse-Path Forwarding 

RFC4728 E    Feb 2007    The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) for Mobile Ad 
                       Hoc Networks for IPv4 

RFC5148 I    Feb 2008    Jitter considerations in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) 

RFC5444 PS   Feb 2009    Generalized Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Packet/Message 

RFC5497 PS   Mar 2009    Representing Multi-Value Time in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 

RFC5498 PS   Mar 2009    IANA Allocations for Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) 