Minutes of the LDAP (v3) Revision BOF
        IETF#48, Aug 2, 1530-1730

Chairs: Kurt D. Zeilenga <kurt@openldap.org>
                RL "Bob" Morgan <rlmorgan@washington.edu>

Scribe: Ellen Stokes <stokes@austin.ibm.com>


The Kurt Zeilenga presented a revised agenda for the session:
	- Agenda Bashing
	- Introduction, Chair(s)
	- IESG Note, AD
	- LDAPv3 Applicability Statement, JeffH
	- Relationship to X.500, Kurt
	- Reorganisation of the Specification, MarkW
	- Other Issues
	- Charter Bashing, Group
	- Next Steps, Chair(s)

No changes were made.

	- need draft standard for better interoperability
	- define better / clarify specs

There is consensus it is a good thing to take ldapv3 to draft standard and to do it in a working group

IESG NOTE, Patrik Fältström
	- note is on lack of security (because was not addressed IETF wide when RFC published)
	- need to include mandatory security in the ldap specs: publish new RFCs

	- draft-hodges-ldapv3-as.00.txt
	- specifies RFCs constituting to ldapv3
	- proposed std maturity level
	- rescinds IESG note?
		- Patrik Fältström to think about whether this is ok
	- glues 'core' docs together so viewed as ldapv3 core;  put out now so we can start to progress the 'core' docs to draft standard as well as this glue doc Leslie Daigle recommend not referring to document as an 'Applicability Statement'.  She will provide recommendation for the document title.

RELATIONSHIP TO X.500, Kurt Zeilenga
	- statements about X.500 - ldap relationship are unclear and need to be clarified
	- do clarification from ldap point of view and then provide X.500 references as needed
	- need terminology section; also see X.500 alignment with LDAP doc from ITU
		- David Chadwick noted ITU has an "X.500 alignment with LDAP" effort underway.  Another attendee noted possible need for ITU liaison.

	- draft-wahl-ldapv3-2001plan-00.txt (ldapv3 existing rfc development plan)
	- discussion document, not to be taken to RFC
	- cannot add features to proposed standard during taking to draft standard without going through another min 6 months proposed standard
	- need to document what is current practice and base changes on that (important for interoperability)
	- need to look at lots of other RFCs and determine disposition
	- look seriously at obsoleting ldapv2 (1777-1779) - need to get ldapv3 to full standard
	- look at ietf web site for http interoperability report to get idea of what is required in generating an interoperability report
	- need two independently-developed implementations to demonstrate interoperability for each feature (a single implementation does not have to be used to demonstrate interoperatibility of every feature)



	- purpose:  define ldapv3 "core" and revise specs as necessary to achieve draft standard
	- scope: changes necessary for draft standard plus mandatory to implement extensions
	- out of scope:  cldap, other extensions, replication, schema excepting core
	- deliverables: applicability statement, revisions of core RFCs (2251-56, 2829-2831)
	- milestones were listed and deemed adequate.

The consensus of the attendees is to request the formation of a Working Group under the attached charter.  The consensus was
for Kurt Zeilenga and RL "Bob" Morgan to serve as co-chairs.

Action Item: Chair(s) to submit proposed charter to AD.