L2TPEXT Minutes
Minutes courtesy of Ross Wheeler.

13:05  Charter Revision

Mark's presentation

Emphasized 2661 related documents in the near term

Asking for feedback


None - Mark will pass it on the area directors

Tom: asked how many read the new charter (not many)
Mark:  Will ask for last call for the charter on list


13:10  PWOT || PWE3

Danny McPherson






Mentioned that L2TP is in the requirements document


Nishit Vasavada - nishit@ambernetworks.com
Frame Relay Service Type for L2TP
10 minutes



Mark - less overloading AVPs.  Sub address types are used with ISDN so maybe we should use another AVP.

Nishit - agreed.

Mark - no way to insure data integrity - why it isn't turning on the UDP checksum.  You can say MUST.  Discusses PPP, UDP with L2TP and use of checksums.  L2TP specific checksum mentioned may be a requirement of the PWOT.

Andrew Malis - MUST UDP checksum - issues with the header   MTU issues?
Fragmentation and reassembly - go to the FRF.5 with regards functionality (for ATM but still applicable).  T1.618 should be changed ITU Q.922 Q.923.

Kevin - CIR mentioned?  Nishit - next version.  With MPLS why?  Mark - something for PWOT.


David Black - Black_David@emc.com,
Danny McPherson - danny@ambernetworks.com
L2TP Differentiated Services Extension
20 minutes



Mentioned that Wei Luo did the update


Q:  PPP - multiple flows within a PPP session?

Danny:  out of scope
David:  problem with L2TP, sequence numbers, and flow based diffserv - be careful
Mark: do not turn on sequence numbers in this case
Mark: classification of flows and mapping - one method is pure mapping and doesn't use this.  Text to talk about that case, another case, is this common knowledge?
Danny:  welcome to the proposal
Mark:  do you reflect?
Thomas:  Possible to modify the existing PHBID?  Is there a message to use?
Mark:  SLI or create a new message type.
Mark:  Why?
Thomas:  Won't know until after authentication
Mark:  should consider it.


David Black

Presentation on Diffserv



Gilles Bourdon (gilles.bourdon@rd.francetelecom.fr)
L2TP Multicast Extension
10 minutes



Mark:  Experimental draft.  If it's adopted then we could move standards track.
Danny:  No patents?
G:  No.
Thomas:  How many people in a group?
G:  Not setup yet.  5000 users for one LAC.
Dave Allen:  source question - do I receive a copy as a source?
G:  yes, designed just for downstream data
Mark:  security issues:  inject an MSI?


L2TP Mib
Evan Caves


Doesn't support header compression, alt. payloads.


Glen:  Go ahead and become an RFC.  Changing the structure of the existing MIB, change it to two new ones.


W. Mark Townsley - townsley@cisco.com
L2TPEXT Milestones update and review
L2TPEXT Charter Revision
Remaining time