LDAP Revision WG (ldapbis)

Wednesday, March 21 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Kurt Zeilenga <kurt@openldap.org>
        RL "Bob" Morgan <rlmorgan@washington.edu>


This meeting will focus on significant outstanding issues with 
WG I-Ds which have not been resolved through list discussions.  
Attendees should come prepared to discuss these issues by 
reviewing past discussions (available in WG list archives) and
reading relevant WG I-Ds.


  Preliminaries - chairs - 15m
    Agenda Bashing
    Milestone Status

  Technical Discussions - document editors - 2h
    Protocol I-D Issues - 50m
      - anonymous vs. unauthenticated connections
      - "equally capable" services (referrals/references)
      - unavailableCriticalExtension and unbind/abandon
      - "subordinates" in regards with derefInSearching
      - options and subtypes
      - subschema subentry discovery
    Authentication Methods I-D Issues - 15m
    DN I-D Issues - 20m
      - a "published" table 
      - relationship to LDAPv2 and RFC 1779
    Filter I-D loose ends - 10m
    URL I-D loose ends - 10m
    Attribute Syntax issues - 15m
      - "binary" syntax
      - trimming syntaxes

  Other Issues - floor - 30m