Reported by Jim Greuel/ HP

Minutes of June 8, 1990

Lan Manager MIB I Status:

Jim Greuel summarized the current status of the first LAN Manager MIB:

An RFC decision on LM MIB I is held up due to 2 issues:

   o One of the 2 LM MIB subtrees is currently specified to reside under
     the management object id subtree (the same one RFC 1065 -- now some
     other RFC number I can't recall -- resides in).  A number of
     individuals within the TCP/IP network management community have
     problems with this.
   o The IAB is concerned about vendor vs IAB control in cases where an
     attempt is being made to publicly define management objects for a
     proprietary service (e.g., LAN Manager).

The group addressed the first concern by agreeing to move all LAN
Manager MIB objects into the experimental branch of the object
registration tree.

Regarding the second item, Dave Crocker, the Network Management Area
Director for the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), informed us
that the IAB and IESG are working on operating procedures for public
standardization efforts that relate to proprietary objects.  Ours is not
the only Working Group that falls into this category, and this is being
addressed as a general issue, not one solely related to us.  It was
concluded that, until the IAB/IESG works this out, there is not a great
deal our Working Group can do except operate in as open (and visible) a
manner as possible.  We agreed that the LAN Manager MIB Working Group
would formally submit to the IAB/IESG, through (Dave Crocker) a request
that the operating guidelines/criteria for groups such as ours be
defined, and that RFC status be assigned to LM MIB I as soon as

Dave also pointed out that ``constituency'' for the Working Group,
representation from multiple organizations/companies, is an important
issue (though IAB/IESG has not yet determined what ``adequate''
constituency is).  In addition, it may prove helpful to include in the
working group minutes a list of companies that have stated an intent to
release products based on the LM MIB. Working Group members will check
if their respective companies are in a position to make such a


Two minor changes to LM MIB I proposed by Dave Perkins and Evan McGinnis
(in addition to the previously described object ID change) were agreed

   o Replace the bit field used in svSvcStatus with a table of distinct
     INTEGER objects.  This will make it easier for the management
     station to interpret this data
   o Remove the CMOT example.  It is based on the old CMOT spec.  A CMOT
     example can be included as a second document later if deemed

Jim Greuel, the LM MIB I editor, will submit the LM MIB I documents
(with the appropriate object ID changes) to Marshall Rose for review,
then to Dave for inclusion in the Internet-Draft directory.

Lan Manager MIB II

Eric Peterson of Microsoft outlined his ideas for a second LAN Manager
MIB, based at least in part, on LAN Manager 2.0.  He will put together
an LM MIB II draft defining objects for the following areas:

   o Additional file/print sharing statistics (supported by LAN Manager
     1.0 as well as 2.0).
   o LM 2.0 user accounting, including domain information.
   o LM 2.0 fault tolerance.

We decided to use the following guidelines in defining LM MIB II:

   o Define primarily read-only objects, though some writable objects
     will be (cautiously) considered.
   o Restrict the number of objects to less than 200.

Eric will post the LM MIB II draft to the mailing list 2-3 weeks before
the July 31 IETF meeting.

Next Meeting

We agreed to meet at the next IETF Meeting in Vancouver, BC on July 31 -
August 3.  The group will be updated on LM MIB I status and discuss the
LM MIB II draft.



Hossein Alaee  
Dave Crocker   
Jim Gruel      
Dwaine Kinghorn          microsoft!dwaink
Linda Kray
Chia Chee Kuan 
Evan McGinnis  
David Perkins  
Eric Peterson
Jim Reinstedler
Robert Rench
Robert Ritz
Marshall Rose  
