Reported by Dave Perkins/3Com

LANMAN Minutes

New Chair:

Jim Greuel from Hewlett Packard, the previous Chair, was unable to
attend.  In mail messages he indicated that he would no longer be able
to participate and nominated Dave Perkins as a replacement.  This
nomination was approved by the Working Group.

Lan Manager I MIB:

The current MIB was posted in Internet-Drafts.  There are two parts.
The names of the two documents are:

   o draft-ietf-lanman-mib-00.txt
   o draft-ietf-lanman-alerts-00.txt

These MIBs were briefly reviewed and appeared to be in great shape.  The
next step is to encourage more implementations of these MIBs and start
them in the standards track.

Lan Manager II MIB:

Eric Peterson from Microsoft posted a proposal for LAN Manager II MIB
before the meeting for review.  Most of the time spent in the Working
Group was spent in reviewing his proposal.  Eric had taken the LAN
Manager I MIBs and combined them together and added some new information
that is available in LAN Manager version 2.x.  The selection rules that
he used were:

   o Keep the total number of MIB variables below 200
   o Define primarily read-only objects
   o Add the objects that ``real'' network managers use in day to day

The feedback on the proposal was the following:

   o The new MIB must be upwards compatible with the first version.
   o Add table of currently logged on users.
   o Add a group that contained information about the current domain.
     Include in it a table that has the list of all servers in a domain.


   o Variables should be added so that the information in TRAPs can be
     determined via polling.
   o Check on adding tables that list 1) all the Users at a server, 2)
     all the USEs at workstations, 3) all the SHAREs at a server,

Eric will post an updated proposal by September 15th so that a meeting,
if necessary, can be scheduled during the INTEROP show in October.

Next Meeting:

Depending on demand, a meeting will be held during the INTEROP show (Oct
8-12) or at the next IETF meeting in Colorado (Dec 3-7).


Jonathan Biggar
Theodore Brunner
Chris Chiotasso
Cyrus Chow               cchow@orion.arc.nasa.go
Dave Crocker   
Dwaine Kinghorn          microsoft!dwaink
David Perkins  
Eric Peterson            microsoft!ericpe
Jim Reinstedler
Marshall Rose  
Mark Sleeper   
Mark Wood                mark1@iw/
