Reported by Jim Greuel/ HP

Minutes of April 11, 1989

Here are the minutes for the April 11, 1989 meeting of the LAN Manager
MIB subgroup.

For the benefit of newcomers, we began with an overview of LAN Manager
and the subgroup's progress to date.

We then discussed the issues put forward by Jim Greuel, coming to the
following conclusions:

  1. We felt that we did indeed want to support LAN Manager alerts in
     the first version of the LM MIB.
  2. In order to accomplish (1) in an expedient manner, and avoid
     starting World War III, we decided to adhere strictly to the
     current SMI. Translated, this means:

         Do away with the event template.  Show only the objects
         which trigger the events (eg, counters, gauges), and the
         objects associated with them.
         All pertinent information dealing with the conditions which
         trigger events/traps are to be explained in the definition
         portion of the appropriate object templates.

  3. All ``event'' descriptions should have examples which show
     implementation under both SNMP and CMOT. For SNMP, either a new
     generic-trap (7) would be proposed, or the enterprise specific trap
     (6) would be used in conjunction with a ``LAN Manager'' enterprise.
  4. We discussed the possibility of representing the objects associated
     with events/traps via tables.
  5. We decided to provide only ``read-only'' objects.  In particular,
     there will be no way of clearing the LAN Manager statistic objects
     via SNMP/CMOT. This is consistent with the definition of the
     statistic-like objects defined in RFC1066.
  6. It was decided to do away with the use of the BITSTRING type,
     replacing it with OCTET STRINGs upon which we would impose a bit
     map interpretation.

Concerning Microsoft's willingness to provide modifications/enhancements
to the LAN Manager Admin API's:  Amatzia read a formal statement from
Microsoft indicating their consent to this, contingent on technical
review and schedule considerations.

Jim Greuel will make the agreed upon modifications to the main body of
the document.  Amatzia Ben-Artzi and Jeff Case volunteered to modify the


``event'' section of the document, Amatzia providing CMOT examples, Jeff
SNMP examples.  The goal is to put the revised document on the MIB WG
mailing list as soon as possible, and have it discussed at the May 18
MIB WG meeting.
