Minutes of the ISSLL Working Group
44th IETF in Minneapolis, MN

Co-chairs: Eric Crawley & John Wroclawski
Minutes recorded by: Eric Crawley

The ISSLL WG met for one session on Wednesday, 3/17/99 from 1300-1500,
with approximately 150 attendees.

* ISSLOW Service Mapping draft

Bruce Davie presented the updates to the ISSLOW service mapping drafts
(draft-ietf-issll-isslow-svc-mapping-06.txt).  This is a significant
revision in response to comments received on the previous draft.  The
document was reworked from its original form to be more like the other
service mapping documents.  There were changes to clarify the behavior for
guaranteed service and there is a new section on the "acceptable delay" for
Intserv flows.  A new section was added on example mappings that is much
looser than the example mappings used in the IS802 service mapping
document.  it is believed that all outstanding WG comments have now
been addressed, and the document will be sent out for working group last
call just after the meeting.  Any comments should be sent to the authors

* SBM configuration and policy

Andrew Smith next presented some preliminary work on Subnet Bandwidth
Manager (SBM) configuration, for the purpose of introducing the material
and asking whether further work on this document should be an ISSLL WG
item.  The draft discusses a set of manageable objects for RSVP and SBM. As
background, Andrew presented a view of the policy model for RAP and RSVP.
The decision to admit a flow is divided into two pieces, the portion that
determines if the resources are available (Admission Control) and the
portion that checks to see if the flow is administratively allowed
(Policy).  RAP uses the COPS protocol to out-source the decisions on
policy.  The PDP (Policy Decision Point) needs to be split between 
the SBM and the policy manager.

Andrew discussed a set of groups of objects that could be managed; RSVP
protocol config, SBM protocol config, RSVP Local Policy Module
configuration, and SBM Local Policy Module configuration.  The draft is
more concerned with identifying the objects and information needed, rather
than the method of transporting the data to the devices involved.

- What parameters - level of specificity - should match current defined
  services/SBM or be more expandable? (see specific issue discussion below)
- Representation (MIBs, etc.)
- Fuzzy about the LPM portions (ISSLL may end up owning it because no one
  else can).

Discussion of specific vs expandable:

SBM policy as presented is based on the number or lower-layer "classes" in
use (3 delay-ranked classes for IntServ flows based on the mapping drafts).
There was some discussion about the use of 3 classes since these were
really "examples" in the service mapping document.  It was agreed that an
array of classes might be a better representation.

Conclusion of the discussion was that some parts of this are clearly in the
scope of ISSLL and should be addressed if WG sees need - which a number of
people did.  Other parts are less clearly in scope, and may require
coordination with other WGs's.  No clear allocation of tasks was agreed on.
The current working proposal is that we create the parameter list in ISSLL
and also do an "SBM MIB" in ISSLL. Some of the RSVP/SBM policy related
items configuration and the decision whether to out-source configuration to
a policy server probably needs to be a RAP WG item.

*Intserv with Diffserv clouds

John Wroclawski introduced a new discussion on Intserv using Diffserv
clouds.  He outlined the problem on the table: Diffserv WG to date has
focused on building blocs and intra-domain models while Intserv has focused
on e2e QoS for applications.  It is technically possible and useful to use
Diffserv clouds as part of the Intserv end-to-end QoS story.  This allows us to
keep and benefit from desirable Diffserv properties.

John noted that this is an intentionally narrow problem statement.
Particularly, various other e2e QoS approaches have been proposed and are
being developed.  Also, various people have proposed larger & more general
frameworks for QoS that encompass both Intserv and other specific
approaches.  The goal of the work being discussed here is to utilize
the capabilities and technologies that exist today to produce more scalable
more deployable e2e QoS services in the short term, without precluding
other possible directions in the future.

John proposed the following documents for Intserv over Diffserv:
- A Framework Document
- A Service Mapping Document (implementing Intserv services using
  diffserv PHB's, edge behaviors, and bandwidth allocation rules)
- BW Management approach documents (static provisioning, hierarchical
  aggregate RSVP, passthrough RSVP)

This document set is very similar to the approach taken in the ISSLL WG for
IEEE 802 and ATM networks - because the goal of incorporating a
diffserv cloud as a network element within the Intserv e2e story is very
similar to incorporating an 802 or ATM cloud. So the approach should be
familar and workable for ISSLL WG participants.

Next, Yoram Bernet discussed presented on

This draft is based on draft-ietf-diffserv-rsvp-02.txt and is the product
of changes made both by Bob Braden and Yoram.

The goal of this draft is to work towards an Internet in which hosts or
their proxies initiate reservations for specific services from the network.
It is assumed that the diffserv network provides aggregate traffic handling
(though it may process either per-flow or aggregate reservation messages).

This enables:
1) Per-flow end-to-end QoS vs. the aggregate edge-to-edge QoS typically
   associated with diffserv only networks.
2) Scaleability
3) Admission control

The focus of this work is on quantitative applications of the sort handled
by Intserv today.  Some of the work is also applicable to qualitative
applications, but that discussion is deferred.

There are two high level models of the combined RSVP/intserv/diffserv
network. In both models, devices at the edge of the network (typically
hosts) use RSVP to signal certain per-flow requirements. On the path
between the sending and receiving host(s) there are one or more diffserv
networks. In one model, devices external to the diffserv network act as
admission control agents for the diffserv network by rejecting or
admitting RSVP resource requests. In another model, some number of
devices within the diffserv network process some form of RSVP signaling
to aid in the task of providing admission control.

The first model (no RSVP awareness within the diffserv network) is typically
associated with static SLAs and static provisioning within the diffserv
network. The second model enables dynamic provisioning within the diffserv
network. This may take one of the following forms:

1) Processing per-flow RSVP signaling within the diffserv network.
2) Using aggregate RSVP within the diffserv network (tunnels, RSVP
aggregation, possibly MPLS).
3) Providing RSVP interfaces at the edges of the diffserv network and using
some form of Oracle or bandwidth broker (tm Van Jacobson) internally.

The draft still needs minor work, as follows:

1) Clean up terminology - use consisitent terms for:
a) RSVP session admission
b) MF classification
c) aggregate classification

2) Possibly, pull in the DCLASS spec.

Yoram also pointed out other related work within the ISSLL WG:
1) Mapping of Intserv services to diffserv and the corresponding admission
   control considerations.
2) Multicast.
3) Detailed drafts on diffserv provisioning mechansism including aggregate
   RSVP, tunneling and possibly MPLS.
4) Define edge device functionality to the point of enabling

John W. noted that with regard to service mappings (implementation of
Intserv services by Diffserv clouds), that the WG can propose new PHBs, if
necessary.  However, it will be simpler, and may be technically acceptable,
to use AF and/or EF, together with appropriate edge behaviors and bandwidth
allocation rules, to implement reasonable fascimiles of CL service.  G is a
little trickier but may be possible as well.  John further noted that if
new PHB's are proposed the Diffserv WG would be responsible for
standardizing them in the IETF, if that was to happen.

Beyond the framework document mentioned above several relevant I-D's have
appeared in the recent or more distant past. The ones listed here have
dealt with some aspect of using RSVP to manage aggregate bandwidth usage,
as might be appropriate when packets are forwarded using DS codepoints.
- draft-baker-rsvp-aggregation-00.txt
- draft-ietf-rsvp-tunnel-02.txt
- draft-guerin-aggreg-rsvp-00.txt (timed out, but still at ftp.ietf.org)
- draft-berson-rsvp-aggregation-00.txt (timed out, but still at ftp.ietf.org)
Some work is presently underway to combine mechanisms from these drafts
into a more broadly based RSVP-aggregation document.

Hui Zhang gave an informational presentation on his work on Per Hop
Behaviors based on Dynamic Packet State.

Hui first gave an example to illustrate that in order to achieve
worst-case guarantees in current diffserv network, the network
utilization by the premium service traffic has to be extremely low.

In an environment when this is not acceptable, alternative solutions are
needed. He presented a technique called Dynamic Packet State (DPS) that
can support a variety of services including guaranteed service (with
mathematically proven worst case bounds), distributed admission service,
weighted fair share service, penalty box in a diffserv environment. The
key advantage of DPS is that even in a network where core routers do not
maintain per flow state, the services provided with DPS can achieve
similar flexibility, resource utilization, and assurance levels compared
to those that can be provided with per flow mechanisms.  With DPS, each
packet carries in its header, in addition to the PHB codepoint, some
PHB-specific state. The state is initialized by the ingress
node. Interior nodes process each incoming packet based on the state
carried in the packet's header, updating both its internal state and the
state in the packet's header before forwarding it to the next hop. Hui
also discussed issues of state encoding and several possible places (IP
option, MPLS label) to put the the state.

Several papers describing the algorithm details can be found at