Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

Minutes of the First ISSLL (Integrated Services over Specific Link Layers) (aka ISFOO) BOF. Thursday, March 7, 1996, 0900-1130 

Co-chaired by Eric Crawley and John Wroclawski. Minutes from notes by John Krawczyk and summaries by presenters, edited by Eric Crawley

Overview presentation
Discussion of WG structure and charter objectives. Remaining technical presentations from last night's 

John Wroclawski presented an overview of the working group along with a proposed structure. [See slides in
ftp://mercury.lcs.mit.edu/pub/issll/IETF/LA_9603/issll-bof.ps] The scope of the group is to include:

- Service mappings (defined relationships between int-serv service classes and technology-specific QoS mechanisms)

- Setup protocol mappings (defined relationships between Internet-level setup protocols and technology-specific signalling mechanisms) 

- Adaptation protocols (technology-specific "wedge" protocols which add functionality required to support IP integrated service functions on the technology)

- Statements of non-applicability (indication that a specific int-serv service class is not supported over subnets implemented with a specific technology)

Work Items are to include (potentially rare) standards track RFC and (more common) informational guidelines. The structure is to target technology coordinators for specific layer 2 technologies to be responsible for technical development, document editing, and evangelizing. The chairs and the WG will attempt to identify and encourage commonality among solutions.

Discussion was light and a quick poll indicated a significant interest in ATM technologies but substantial interest in other technologies. 

John asked if the group was comfortable with WG structure. A question came up about how the mailing lists would be set up (one big list or one per link technology?). Consensus was to have one list for the group. If the level of traffic for one particular segment grows to the point that it's unbearable for the main list, a new list can be created.

The relation between ISSLL, Int-Serv, and RSVP was discussed. It was made clear that ISSLL feedback is welcomed and encouraged by the other working groups. This approach was successful with the Intserv-test BOF.

It was agreed that concentrating on the service that is expected to be pervasive (controlled load) was a good idea. However, this work is expected to be vendor driven. Implementation of the more restrictive technologies (guaranteed delay) is expected to create competition between L2 technologies

It was also pointed out that some solutions will be applicable across L2 technologies. Communication and cooperation between the sub-groups of the WG is necessary.

The following presentations, which were left out of the joint Int-serv/RSVP/IP-ATM meeting on Wednesday, were then given: 

A framework for Supporting RSVP Flows over ATM Networks Vijay Srinivasan & Raif O. Onvural, IBM-RTP Slides in ftp://mercury.lcs.mit.edu/pub/issll/IETF/LA_9603/vijay.ps 

"The RSVP and Integrated Services working groups have been working towards the goal of an "Integrated Services Internet" where applications can request a Quality of Service (QoS) from the network in order to meet their end-to-end service requirements In this presentation, we review various issues related to running RSVP and Integrated Service models over ATM and present a model to address some of these issues. It is intended as a starting point for building an architectural framework to support RSVP/ATM Interworking." 

SINP (Session Identity Notification Protocol) Yukinori Goto
Slides in ftp://mercury.lcs.mit.edu/pub/issll/IETF/LA_9603/sinp.ps 

ISSLOW: Integrated Services System for LOW bitrate environments Carsten Bormann, University of Bremen
Slides in ftp://mercury.lcs.mit.edu/pub/issll/IETF/LA_9603/isslow.ps 

ITU update
Muneyoshi Suzuki, NTT Japan
Summary in ftp://mercury.lcs.mit.edu/pub/issll/IETF/LA_9603/suzuki.text