Integrated Services over Specific Link Layers (issll) ----------------------------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 05/13/2002 Current Status: Concluded Working Group Chair(s): John Wroclawski <> Eric Crawley <> Transport Area Director(s): Scott Bradner <> Allison Mankin <> Transport Area Advisor: Allison Mankin <> Mailing Lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group: The ISSLL Working Group defines specifications and techniques needed to implement Internet Integrated Services capabilities within specific network technologies. The Internet Integrated Services design, developed within the IETF by working groups such as INTSERV and RSVP, specifies extensions to the IP architecture which allow applications to request and receive a specific level of service from the internetwork, as alternatives to the current IP best-effort service class. The work of these groups has resulted in technology-independent protocols and specifications. Focused engineering work to define the mapping of these universal specifications onto specific subnetwork technologies is now required. At minimum, the following points must be addressed for each candidate technology: - Service mappings. Service mappings define the way that the link layer technology is used to provide a particular IntServ traffic management service, such as controlled-load or guaranteed-delay. - Setup protocol mappings. Setup protocol mappings define how an internet- level setup protocol such as RSVP is implemented or mapped onto the link layer technology. - Adaptation protocols. Adaptation protocols are used to augment the native capabilities of the link-layer technology, when this is necessary to support required Integrated Services functions. - Statements of non-applicability. Statements of non-applicability describe which Integrated Service capabilities are not supported by the link layer technology under consideration. The ISSLL WG will carry out this work for all technologies with perceived market demand and of sufficient interest to its members. To ensure timely progress on each work item the WG will employ an administrative structure based on technology coordinators, as described below. The WG expects to coordinate its activities across technologies whenever technical commonality between layer two media is apparent. The WG chairs hold primary responsibility for this coordinating role. WG Outputs: The WG is expected to produce standards-track RFC's, informational RFC's and "best-current-practices" guidelines, as required. The need for standards-track RFC's is limited both because the work of the group is focused on the engineering of existing protocols to existing link layer technologies, and because in certain cases information and guidelines will better serve the needs of a rapidly evolving technology. Operational Structure: Due to the scope of the task and the need for parallel progress on multiple work items, the WG effort is organized as follows: A technical coordinator will be identified and selected for each media technology adopted as a work item by the group. This person will be responsible for coordinating the technical efforts of the group with respect to that media, working with and motivating the document editors, and evangelizing the group's work within the community and relevant external organizations such as the IEEE and ATM Forum. Since many link layer media continue to evolve, and since that evolution may be influenced by the work of the ISSLL WG, it is expected that each technology work item will be divided into short term tasks, medium term tasks, and ongoing monitoring, as follows: - Short term tasks focus on using the existing technology as best as possible with no changes whatsoever. This work will accept whatever limits are imposed the link-level and IP-level technology, with the goal of creating the best solution possible within a 6-9 month timeframe. - Medium term tasks focus on planned changes to the technology that are currently being standardized and may not yet be widely available Ideally this work would conclude just as the changes become available in the market. In general a 1-1.5 year timeframe is appropriate for these tasks. - Monitoring focuses on tracking and advising on changes being made by others to a link layer technology, to allow it to better support the Integrated Services models and protocols. Generally, these efforts would be conducted as informal activities, rather than work items within the WG structure. The exception would be when formal cooperation between the WG and an external effort was required. In addition to the normal responsibilities of IETF working group chairs, the ISSLL chairs hold primary responsibility for selection of coordinators, identifying areas of technical commonality and building cross-technology efforts within the group. Relationship to Other Working Groups: The ISSLL WG maintains a close working relationship with the INTSERV and RSVP WG's. Particularly, ISSLL may wish to feed back information about the effectiveness or limitations of RSVP and INTSERV work in the context of a specific technology to these groups for review. ISSLL is also expected to interact with other WG's as needed to aid in the use of particular media (e.g. IPATM, PPPEXT). Coordinators for initially important technologies: ATM Sue Thomson, Low-Speed Serial Carsten Bormann, Ethernet Token Ring Wayne Pace, Frame Relay Cable Modems Goals and Milestones: Done Submit Internet-Draft of Controlled Load Service over ATM UNI 3.x (includes parameter mapping, VC management, and references VC usage guidelines from Overview) Done Submit Internet-Draft of The Operation of RSVP over ATM UNI 3.X Done Submit Internet-Draft of Overview of Integrated Services over ATM UNI 3.X (VC management, issues, models, and other service and setup protocol independent pieces) Done Submit Internet-Draft of Integrated Services over token ring networks (switched and shared with sections on source route bridging, token priority, filtering, etc). Done Submit Internet-Draft of Controlled Load Service over ISSLOW. Done Submit Internet-Draft of Realtime Header-compression and packet framing protocol. [Requires close coordination with PPPEXT and AVT.] Done Submit Internet-Draft of Controlled Load Service over token ring networks (switched and shared). Done Submit Internet-Draft of Guaranteed Service over ATM UNI 3.X (includes parameter mapping, VC management, and references VC usage guidelines from Overview) Done Submit Internet-Draft on Overview of Integrated Services over ATM UNI 3.X to IESG for publication as an RFC. Done Submit Internet-Draft on The Operation of RSVP over ATM UNI 3.X Done Submit Internet-Draft on Controlled Load Service over ATM UNI 3.x to IESG for publication as an RFC. Done Submit Internet-Draft of Updated Overview of Integrated Services over ATM to include Short Cuts and VC Aggregation Done Submit Internet-Draft of Updates of the documents relate to the ATM Forum 4.0 Specification(s) Done Submit Internet-Draft on Guaranteed Service over ATM UNI 3.X to IESG for publication as an RFC. Done Submit Internet-Draft on ATM Forum 4.0 Specification(s) Done Submit Internet-Draft on dcouments relate to the ATM Forum 4.0 Specification(s) Done Submit Internet-Draft on Updated Overview of Integrated Services over ATM to IESG for publication as an RFC. Done Submit Internet-Draft on Controlled Load Service over ISSLOW to IESG for publication as an RFC. Done Submit Internet-Draft on Realtime Header-compression and packet framing protocol to IESG for publication as an RFC. Done Submit Internet-Draft on DCLASS object to IESG for publication as a proposed standard Done Publish Internet-Draft on service mapping - support of intserv services using diffserv aggregate scheduling mechanisms. Done Submit Internet-Draft of MIB for Subnet Bandwidth Manage to IESG for publication as a RFC. Done Submit Internet-Draft of intserv-diffserv integration framework document to IESG for publication as a RFC. Done Submit Internet-Draft describing use of RSVP for managing aggregate resources in diffserv clouds for publication as an RFC. MAR 00 Submit Internet-Draft on service mapping of intserv services onto diffserv clouds to IESG for publication as a RFC. Done Submit SBM protocol draft to IESG for standards track. Done Submit int-serv mappings onto IEEE 802 networks draft to IESG for standards track. Done Submit Framework for int-serv in switched and shared IEEE 802 LAN technologies for informational publication. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------ RFC2381 PS AUG 98 Interoperation of Controlled-Load Service and Guaranteed Service with ATM RFC2380 PS AUG 98 RSVP over ATM Implementation Requirements RFC2379BCP AUG 98 RSVP over ATM Implementation Guidelines RFC2382 I AUG 98 A Framework for Integrated Services and RSVP over ATM RFC2688 PS SEP 99 Integrated Services Mappings for Low Speed Networks RFC2689 I SEP 99 Providing integrated services over low-bitrate links RFC2686 PS SEP 99 The Multi-Class Extension to Multi-Link PPP RFC2687 PS SEP 99 PPP in a real-time oriented HDLC-like framing RFC2814 PS MAY 00 SBM (Subnet Bandwidth Manager): A Protocol for RSVP-based Admission Control over IEEE 802-style networks RFC2815 PS JUN 00 Integrated Service Mappings on IEEE 802 Networks RFC2816 I JUN 00 A Framework for Providing Integrated Services Over Shared and Switched IEEE 802 LAN Technologies RFC2996 PS DEC 00 Format of the RSVP DCLASS Object RFC2997 PS DEC 00 Specification of the Null Service Type RFC2998 I DEC 00 A Framework For Integrated Services Operation Over Diffserv Networks RFC3175 PS SEP 01 RSVP Reservations Aggregation