Integrated Services over Specific Link Layers WG (issll)

TUESDAY, March 20 at 1300-1500

CHAIRS:	John Wroclawski <> 
	Eric Crawley <>


(1 hour meeting)

* draft-ietf-issll-rsvp-cap-02.txt (5 minutes)

- Definition of the RSVP CAP object. Aimed at Proposed Standard. Opportunity to raise, review, and address any open issues. Expectation is that we will put the document forward in the immediate future.

* draft-hamid-issll-rsvp-cap-dsmark-00.txt (15 minutes)

- Companion draft to the above. Aimed at Info RFC. Documents use of the RSVP CAP object to negotiate Diffserv marking point. New version incorporates comments from mail list and discussion at 49th IETF. Review changes, discuss remaining open issues.

* draft-ietf-issll-ds-map-01.txt (n < 40 minutes)

This is the intserv-to-diffserv service mapping document; which describes ways to configure a diffserv network to act as an element of an intserv end-to-end QoS path. The current version is incomplete and somewhat out of date. Purpose of the discussion is to agree on scope of changes and disposition of the document going forward, particularly in the two areas below.

Remaining Issues:

- Document appropriate approximations of intserv services. It may be inappropriate to  implement the intserv G service, particularly, in a diffserv cloud, because  because existing applications do not actually expect the full service level and the full level would be very hard to provide in a DS domain.

- Document implementation of statistically assured services. The Intserv CL service is statistically assured by definition. Practical approximations of G service may exhibit statistical behavior, because a mathematical guarantee in a DS environment is extremely expensive and demanding of network resources. Existing research results provide useful guidance for this, but are not presently described in the I-D.