CURRENT MEETING REPORT Reported by Ed Alcoff, Cisco and Guenter Roeck, Conware Minutes of the ISDNMIB Working Group Thursday, December 7, 1995 Chair: Ed Alcoff <> Area: Network Management Area Director: Deidre Kostick <> Advisor: Fred Baker <> Editor: Guenter Roeck <> Discuss: Maintain: Archive: ~/ftp/isdn-mib/isdn-mib Executive summary: The ISDN-MIB WG to discuss the most recent Internet Drafts <draft-ietf-isdnmib-snmp-isdn-mib-02.txt> and <draft-ietf-isdnmib-dial-control-01.txt> for the ISDN MIB specification under development. Several open issues were identified and discussed. Approximately 20 participants were present at the meeting. Deliverables: The ISDN MIB deliverables consists of two documents: * Dial Control MIB * ISDN MIB The final Internet Drafts are to be delivered no later than 31 January 1996. A "last call for concensus" will also be issued in January. MINUTES: The following changes to the current Internet Draft were proposed and accepted: 1. ISDN MIB: 1.1 The proposed MIB architecture was reviewed and determined to be suitable to task. No action required 1.2 The isdnBasicRateTable is to be removed by having two ifTypes assigned for the Basic Rate physical interface. Action: Workgroup Chair to ask IANA for three new ifTypes: ISDNs ISDNu lapd 1.3 There was general agreement that the need to provide for TE/NT configuration was obviated by the elimination of the table listed above in 1.2. An alternative was to split the TE table / interfaces to Layer 2 and Layer 3 interfaces and add a LAPD table below the signalling entries which would consist of 2 objects. There was additional discussion on this immediately after the meeting was concluded and this subject will be posted to the mail list for concensus. Action: Editor to post the alternatives to the mail list and call for concensus. This is the last major open issue for this workgroup. 2. Dial Control MIB: 2.1 A concern was raised on the support for generic neighbors. The user would not know where the call is from, which could potentially allow unauthorized access. Action: editor to add text explaining the implementation options and the security considerations. 3. Miscellaneous: 3.1 Security considerations, except as noted in 2.1 above, were to be left to the upper layers implementations 3.2 A question was raised on supporting the BoNDing specification (Bandwidth on Demand Industry Group) in the ISDN MIB. It was decided that this should be added to the Trunk MIB as a three object "mib-lette." James Watt from Newbridge believes that they have such a mib-lette and would offer it for consideration to the Trunk MIB WG. This work will be accomplished by the Trunk MIB WG as agreed to by its Chairperson.