DRAFT Minutes of the IP Flow Information eXport (IPFIX) WG
IETF 54, Yokohama, Monday July 15, 2002
83 people in attendance

Reported by Dave Plonka & Nevil Brownlee (co-chairs)

The meeting agenda is available here:


as well as the slideshows here:


1) Nevil gave an overview of the WG charter and current status.
   In summary, we're proceeding with the protocol evaluations.
   When these are complete we will revise the architecture and data
   model documents to embody the chosen protocol.

2) We reviewed the current WG drafts:

   a) Requirements (see accompanying slides)
      Juergen Quittek 

      Regarding multicast traffic, the current draft says only that
      a compliant protocol MAY report the set of egress interfaces
      and/or the "replication factor".  It was suggested that this
      be changed to either SHOULD.

      It was observed that it would be "hard" to report multicast
      egress interfaces given some current router implementations.
      However, consensus by a hum was that a protocol SHOULD support
      these metrics.

      The next revision will be published ASAP and put to WG last
      call on the mailing list.

   b) Architecture (see accompanying slides)
      Nevil Brownlee

   c) Data Model - no changes
      Nevil Brownlee

   d) Applicability (see accompanying slides)
      Tanja Zseby

      Others were encouraged to submit text for additional sections
      of this document.

3) Nevil reported the status of the protocol evaluation.  This
   information was posted to the mailing list on 7-JUL-2002:


   Nevil explained that the advocacy drafts will be submitted to the
   evaluation team and will subsequently be submitted as Internet
   Drafts.  (These drafts are short-lived, working group documents
   only - not to become RFCs.)

   Discussion regarding the candidate protocols is encouraged by
   all and should take place on the public mailing list using the
   "ipfix-eval@net.doit.wisc.edu" address.  This will be the official
   method to communicate with the evaluation team and/or protocol

   Regarding the proposed deadline for advocates to submit initial
   advocacy drafts, it was suggested to change the date to 2-SEP-2002,
   to which there were no objections by those in attendance.

Three attendees indicated that they intended to advocate specific
protocols, namely: CRANE, DIAMETER, and NetFlow v9.  Other protocols
may be forthcoming, perhaps by advocates not in attendance.

Lastly, the chairs will review the WG milestones and discuss them
with with the Area Directors.

$Id: minutes.txt,v 1.1 2002/07/15 12:36:34 dplonka Exp $