IP Flow Information Export WG (ipfix) Wednesday, December 12 at 1530-1730 ==================================== CHAIRS: Nevil Brownlee <n.brownlee@auckland.ac.nz> Dave Plonka <plonka@doit.wisc.edu> AGEBDA: 5 1 Administrivia and Introduction What's IPFIX all about? IPFIX web site: http://ipfix.doit.wisc.edu - - - - Material from IETF 51 BOF: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/01aug/51-80.htm - - - - 20 2 Requirements document draft-ietf-ipfix-reqs-00.txt published 6 November ******* Brief overview, differences between this and earlier versions, discussion. What further changes are needed before we go to WG last call? 5 3 Any new (individual) drafts relating to IPFX + draft-kzhang-crane-protocol-01.txt, ******* Kevin Zhang. Differences from -00.txt 45 4 Getting Started on IPFIX Architecture and IPFIX Data Model Internet Drafts a) Will we select a design team (that seemed to be the mood on the mailing list a while back)? Or .. b) Would it be better to run several small sub-groups, each looking at small subject topics, such as - Flow definition - Sampling - Aggregation of packet data Each sub-group would produce text (not neccessarily complete I-Ds), to be combined/edited to make the two WG I-Ds. Would this approach work? If so .. c) What should the sub-groups topics be, and who's perpared to work in which ones? 5 5 Review of WG Milestones 6 Other material relevant to IPFIX: 10 "A Framework for Passive Packet Measurement" + draft-duffield-framework-papame-00 ******* 20 "Cisco's Future Plans For Netflow: Version 9," Benoit Claise and Vamsi Valluri. This is a preview of an I-D which will be ready in 2 months or so. Details such as attributes, length, etc. will be discussed once the I-D has been published. 10 "Scalability Analysis of Flow Export Using TCP from a Router," Ganesh Sadasivan --- 120 minutes Homework: * Read the I-Ds (marked ***** above) * Think about item (4). Send your opinions to the <<<<<<< IPFIX mailing list, <ipfix@net.doit.wisc.edu> Reminder: the WG's next milestones are - Early Feb 2002 Submit IPFIX-REQUIREMENTS to IESG for publication, Informational RFC Submit Internet-Draft on IP Flow Information Export Data Model, IPFIX-DATAMODEL Submit Internet-Draft on IP Flow Information Export Architecture, IPFIX-ARCHITECTURE