IP Flow Information Export (ipfix)

 Last Modified: 2007-11-26

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Nevil Brownlee  <n.brownlee@auckland.ac.nz>
     Juergen Quittek  <quittek@netlab.nec.de>

 Operations and Management Area Director(s):
     Dan Romascanu  <dromasca@avaya.com>
     Ronald Bonica  <rbonica@juniper.net>

 Operations and Management Area Advisor:
     Dan Romascanu  <dromasca@avaya.com>

 Mailing Lists: 
     General Discussion:ipfix@ietf.org
     To Subscribe:      http://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipfix
     Archive:           http://www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipfix/current/index.html

Description of Working Group:

There are a number of IP flow information export systems in common
use.  These systems differ significantly, even though some have
adopted a common transport mechanism; such differences make it
difficult to develop generalized flow analysis tools.  As such, there
is a need in industry and the Internet research community for IP
devices such as routers to export flow information in a standard way
to external systems such as mediation systems, accounting/billing
systems, and network management systems to facilitate services such as
Internet research, measurement, accounting, and billing.

An IP flow information export system includes a data model, which
represents the flow information, and a transport protocol.  An
"exporter," which is typically an IP router or IP traffic measurement
device, will employ the IP flow information export system to report
information about "IP flows," these being series of related IP packets
that have been either forwarded or dropped.  The reported flow
information will include both (1) those attributes derived from the IP
packet headers such as source and destination address, protocol, and
port number and (2) those attributes often known only to the exporter
such as ingress and egress ports, IP (sub)net mask, autonomous system
numbers and perhaps sub-IP-layer information.

This group will select a protocol by which IP flow information can be
transferred in a timely fashion from an "exporter" to a collection
station or stations and define an architecture which employs it.  The
protocol must run over an IETF approved congestion-aware transport
protocol such as TCP or SCTP.

Specific Goals

 o Define the notion of a "standard IP flow."  The flow definition
   will be a practical one, similar to those currently in use by
   existing non-standard flow information export protocols which
   have attempted to achieve similar goals but have not documented
   their flow definition.

 o Devise data encodings that support analysis of IPv4 and IPv6
   unicast and multicast flows traversing a network element at
   packet header level and other levels of aggregation as requested
   by the network operator according to the capabilities of the
   given router implementation.

 o Consider the notion of IP flow information export based upon
   packet sampling.

 o Identify and address any security privacy concerns affecting
   flow data.  Determine technology for securing the flow information
   export data, e.g. TLS.

 o Specify the transport mapping for carrying IP flow information,
   one which is amenable to router and instrumentation implementers,
   and to deployment.

 o Ensure that the flow export system is reliable in that it will
   minimize the likelihood of flow data being lost due to resource
   constraints in the exporter or receiver and to accurately report
   such loss if it occurs.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Submit Revised Internet-Draft on IP Flow Export Requirements 

   Done         Submit Internet-Draft on IP Flow Export Architecture 

   Done         Submit Internet-Draft on IP Flow Export Data Model 

   Done         Submit Internet-Draft on IPFIX Protocol Evaluation Report 

   Done         Submit Internet-Draft on IP Flow Export Applicability Statement 

   Done         Select IPFIX protocol, revise Architecture and Data Model 

   Done         Submit IPFX-REQUIREMENTS to IESG for publication as 
                Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit IPFIX Protocol Evaluation Report to IESG for publication 
                as Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit IPFX-ARCHITECTURE to IESG for publication as Proposed 
                Standard RFC 

   Done         Submit IPFX-INFO_MODEL to IESG for publication as Informational 

   Done         Submit IPFX-APPLICABILITY to IESG for publication as 
                Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit IPFX-PROTOCOL to IESG for publication as Proposed 
                Standard RFC 

   Done         Publish Internet Draft on IPFIX Implementation Guidelines 

   Done         Publish Internet Draft on Reducing Redundancy in IPFIX data 

   Done         Publish Internet Draft on Handling IPFIX Bidirectional Flows 

   Done         Publish Internet Draft on IPFIX Testing 

   Done         Publish Internet Draft on IPFIX MIB 

   Done         Submit IPFIX Implementation Guidelines draft to IESG for 
                publication as Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit IPFIX Reducing Redundancy draft to IESG for publication 
                as Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit IPFIX Testing draft to IESG for publication as 
                Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit IPFIX Biflows draft to IESG for publication as Standards 
                Track RFC 

   Done         Submit IPFIX MIB draft to IESG for publication as Standards 
                track RFC 

   Nov 2007       Submit IPFIX Testing draft to IESG for publication as 
                Informational RFC 

   Nov 2007       Submit IPFIX MIB draft to IESG for publication as Standards 
                track RFC 

   Dec 2007       Publish Internet draft on IPFIX Type Information Export 

   Dec 2007       Publish Internet draft on IPFIX Configuration Data Model 

   Dec 2007       Publish Internet draft on IPFIX File Format 

   Dec 2007       Publish Internet draft on Single SCTP Stream Reporting 

   Jan 2008       Publish Internet draft on IPFIX Mediation Problem Statement 

   Jan 2008       Submit File Format draft to IESG for publication as Standards 
                track RFC 

   Jun 2008       Submit Type Export draft to IESG for publication as Standards 
                track RFC 

   Jun 2008       Submit Single SCTP Stream draft to IESG for publication as 
                Informational RFC 

   Oct 2008       Submit Configuration Data Model draft to IESG for publication 
                as Standards track RFC 

   Oct 2008       Submit Mediation Problem draft to IESG for publication as 
                Informational RFC 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Feb 2002 Sep 2006   <draft-ietf-ipfix-architecture-12.txt>
                Architecture for IP Flow Information Export 

Jun 2003 Jul 2007   <draft-ietf-ipfix-as-12.txt>
                IPFIX Applicability 

Sep 2006 Dec 2007   <draft-ietf-ipfix-implementation-guidelines-08.txt>
                IPFIX Implementation Guidelines 

Sep 2006 May 2007   <draft-ietf-ipfix-reducing-redundancy-04.txt>
                Reducing Redundancy in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) and 
                Packet Sampling (PSAMP) Reports 

Oct 2006 Feb 2008   <draft-ietf-ipfix-testing-04.txt>
                Guidelines for IP Flow Information eXport (IPFIX) Testing 

Feb 2007 Dec 2007   <draft-ietf-ipfix-mib-02.txt>
                Definitions of Managed Objects for IP Flow Information Export 

Jan 2008 Jan 2008   <draft-ietf-ipfix-file-00.txt>
                An IPFIX-Based File Format 

Jan 2008 Jan 2008   <draft-ietf-ipfix-exporting-type-00.txt>
                Exporting Type Information for IPFIX Information Elements 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC3917 I    Oct 2004    Requirements for IP Flow Information Export 

RFC3955 I    Nov 2004    Evaluation of Candidate Protocols for IP Flow 
                       Information Export (IPFIX) 

RFC5103 PS   Jan 2008    Bidirectional Flow Export using IP Flow Information 
                       Export (IPFIX) 

RFC5102 PS   Jan 2008    Information Model for IP Flow Information Export 

RFC5101 PS   Jan 2008    Specification of the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) 
                       Protocol for the Exchange of IP Traffic Flow Information