Internetworking Over NBMA (ION) Working Group Minutes
IETF-44, Minneapolis (March 15-19, 1999)

Date: Monday, March 15, 1300-1500

Chair: Andrew Malis, Ascend Communications,

Minutes recorded by Bernhard Petri, Siemens,

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1. Administrivia, current documents status

2. Router-to-router NHRP update, Joel Halpern

3. RFC 1483 update, Dan Grossman

4. Open discussion

Agenda Item 1: Administrivia, current document status

Andy Malis welcomed the participants. He indicated that this meeting
will be the last face-to-face meeting of the ION working group for
several IETFs.  The IESG has requested the ION group to take a
breather, and focus on getting more implementation experience on the
completed work.

This does not mean that the ION working group will be dissolved. The
work will be continued to complete the outstanding documents and share
implementation experience, and the mailing list will stay active.

Andy presented the agenda. There were no request for changes or
additional agenda items.

Following the review of the agenda, Andy presented on overview of the
status of work in the ION group:

Since the last meeting in Orlando, 3 new RFCs have been published:
-  RFC 2491 - IPv6 over Non-Broadcast Multiple Access (NBMA) networks,
   G. Armitage, P. Schulter, M. Jork, G. Harter, Proposed Standard
-  RFC 2492 - IPv6 over ATM Networks, G. Armitage, P. Schulter, M.
   Jork, Proposed Standard
-  RFC 2520 - NHRP with Mobile NHCs, J. Luciani, H. Suzuki, N.
   Doraswamy, D. Horton, 2/99, Experimental

The ION group has published 23 RFCs to date.

The following document is awaiting RFC publication:
-  draft-carlson-nhrp-03.txt Guidelines for Next Hop Client (NHC)

The following drafts currently are in IESG Review:
-   draft-ietf-ion-ipv6-fr-02.txt
-   draft-ietf-ion-ipv6-ind-00.txt
-   draft-ietf-ion-discov-atmarp-05.txt
-   draft-ietf-ion-discov-mars-05.txt
-   draft-ietf-ion-discov-nhrp-05.txt
-   draft-ietf-ion-nhrp-mib-05.txt
-   draft-ietf-ion-scsp-mib-00.txt
-   draft-ietf-ion-proxypar-arch-01.txt

Currently, there are no drafts are in WG Last Call.

The following drafts are in progress
-   draft-ietf-ion-multiprotocol-atm-02.txt
    This was further discussed later in the meeting.
-   draft-ietf-ion-nhrp-flowext-00.txt
    The status of this draft was briefly discussed. The author, Lou
    Berger, indicated that there seems to be not much further interest
    in the draft, and suggested to stop work, pending objection from
    the list.
-   draft-ietf-ion-nhrp-vpn-00.txt
    This is under active development.
-   draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-01.txt
    This was further discussed later in the meeting.
-   draft-ietf-ion-scsp-atmarp-01.txt
    The status of this draft was briefly discussed. The authors plan
    to provide an update.
-   draft-ietf-ion-scsp-atmarp-mib-00.txt
    Jim Luciani volunteered to contact the authors of this draft to
    see which further updates are planned.
-   draft-ietf-ion-vpn-id-00.txt
    This is under active development.

-   RFC 1356 update (Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 and ISDN in
    the Packet Mode)

RFC 1356 is currently at the draft standard level, and is due to be
progressed to full standard. Andy repeated his request for reports on
implementations and interoperability. Information should be sent to indicating that you have an implementation, as well
as other implementations with which it is known to interoperate.

Agenda Item 2: Router-to-router NHRP update,

Draft-ietf-ion-r2r-nhrp-01.txt was recently updated. Joel Halpern
reported about this update of the router to-router NHRP draft.

Two rules how targets relate to routing table entries are applied in
the draft.  Basically, the target must fall within a single forwarding

The editor's notes of the previous draft have been resolved:
-   Stability is inferred from routing
-   It is up to the BGP router to know whether it is exiting NBMA; a
    hint is given to implementors to be careful in this.

A list of open issues at the end of the document was kept for
information.  It is expected that implementation experience will
provide more information about those.

Joel will ask Andy to issue the last call on this document next week.

There were no questions on the draft.

Agenda Item 3:  RFC 1483 update,

Dan Grossman reported about the status of the RFC 1483 update -

He reported that no comments have been made onto the draft on the
mailing list, so it is planned to go for WG last call after this

Dan also summarized the basic objectives of the
updating activity for RFC 1483:
-   clean out anachronisms in the draft
-   reference subsequent work
-   editorial changes for clarity and style
-   address (exclude/include/allow) AAL5 options added since RFC 1483
-   minor technical clarifications
-   add VPN identification (decision at last Orlando meeting)

Major changes to the draft that have been made since the Orlando
meeting were the modification of the security considerations to
reflect RFC 2427, and the addition of the material on VPN

Bernhard Petri reported in more detail about the new section 8 of the
draft which is related to VPN identification.  This section is based
on the concept outlined in draft-ietf-ion-vpn-id-00.txt, which had
been presented at the Orlando meeting. Following the agreement at the
Orlando meeting to specify LLC/SNAP-based VPN identification within
the update of RFC 1483, the new section 8 had been drafted

Section 8.1 specifies the format of the LLC/SNAP based VPN
encapsulation header (0x00-A0-3E + PID + VPN-ID encoding) where the
SNAP protocol ID (PID) will be allocated by IANA. Section 8.3 shows
the various alternatives for identification of the VPN in case of VC
muxing (administrative assignment per ATM connection, ATM control
signalling, or LLC/SNAP VPN encapsulation header, as specified in
section 8.1).

The mechanism outlined in section 8 of the RFC 1483 update may be used
by the "applications" of RFC 1483 (see Appendix D).
Draft-ietf-ion-nhrp-vpn-00.txt shows how section 8 of RFC 1483 may be
used by NHRP for the support of VPNs.

Andy Malis volunteered to care for the allocation of the required SNAP
protocol ID from IANA.

Agenda Item 4: Open Discussion

No additional items were brought up. Andy again highlighted that the
ION discussions will continue on the mailing list.