Internetworking Over NBMA WG (ion) Working Group Minutes
Thursday, December 10, 0900-1130
Chairs: Andrew Malis, Ascend Communications <>
        George Swallow, Cisco Systems <>
Minutes recorded by Ken Rehbehn <>

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Andy announced that George Swallow was unable to attend today's meeting due
to a family emergency. In addition, George will be leaving as co-chair of
the ION group following this meeting to concentrate on his MPLS duties.

Andy will take over all the duties of the Chair. Andy observed that the
work of the group has been slowing down, and the agenda reflects this
reduction in work items.

Current Documents Status 

The group has produced 18 RFCs.  No drafts are currently in Working Group
Last Call.  Andy presented a review of the document status.

Four documents recently published as RFCs

RFC 2390, Inverse Address Resolution Protocol, T. Bradley, C. Brown, A.
Malis (Draft Standard)

RFC 2417, Definitions of Managed Objects for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1
based ATM Networks, C. Chung, M. Greene (Proposed Standard)

RFC 2427, Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay, C. Brown, A. Malis
(STD 55)

RFC 2443, A Distributed MARS Service Using SCSP, J. Luciani, A. Gallo
(Proposed Standard)

Awaiting RFC Publication 

Two internet drafts were approved as proposed standards by the IESG on
November 25, 1998:

draft-ietf-ion-ipv6-02.txt, IPv6 over Non-Broadcast Multiple Access (NBMA)

draft-ietf-ion-ipvs-atm-03.txt, IPv6 over ATM Networks

In IESG Review 

A set of drafts are currently in review by the IESG following the working
group last call:

draft-ietf-ion-nhrp-mobile-nhc-00.txt, NHRP with Mobile NHCs, 5/1/98

draft-ietf-ion-ipv6-fr-00.txt, Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Frame
Relay Networks, 8/11/98 (Proposed Standard)

draft-ietf-ion-ipv6-ind-00.txt, Extensions to IPv6 Neighbor Discovery for
Inverse Discovery, 8/11/98 (Proposed Standard)

draft-ietf-ion-discov-atmarp-02.txt, ILMI-Based Server Discovery for
ATMARP, 11/5/98  (Proposed Standard)

draft-ietf-ion-discov-mars-02.txt, ILMI-Based Server Discovery for MARS,
11/5/98 (Proposed Standard)

draft-ietf-ion-discov-nhrp-02.txt, ILMI-Based Server Discovery for NHRP,
11/5/98 (Proposed Standard)

draft-ietf-ion-nhrp-mib-05.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for the NBMA
Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP), 11/23/98 (Proposed Standard)

Other Drafts In Progress 

draft-carlson-nhr-02.txt, Guidelines for Next Hop Client (NHC) Developers,
10/14/98, R. Carlson, L. Winker

        => The authors request that NHC implementers read the report and offer
additional guidelines as needed.

draft-halpern-ion-r2r-nhrp-00.txt, NHRP for Destinations off the NBMA
Subnetwork, 6/26/98, Y. Rekhter, J. Halpern

        => Joel presented this at the last meeting and asked for comments. Very
little feedback has been received.  Andy urges the working members to send
comments to Joel.

draft-ietf-ion-multiprotocol-atm-00.txt, Multiprotocol Encapsulation over
ATM Adaptation Layer 5, 10/28/98, D. Grossman

        => Discussed during the working group meeting.  See below.

draft-ietf-ion-nhrp-flowext-00.txt, NHRP Flow Extension, 6/22/98, L.
Berger, R. Enns

        => The working group is waiting for additional comments on this draft
before a decision is made on the draft's status.  Working group members
with interest in this area were asked to make comments on the mail list.

draft-ietf-ion-proxypar-arch-00.txt, Proxy PAR, 3/13/98, P. Droz, T. Przygienda

        => This draft re-publishes the ATM Forum's Proxy PNNI-Augmented Routing
(PAR) specification.  The current forum document is in a ballot stage with
approval expected soon.  The authors are waiting for this process to
complete before sending out the updated internet draft. The authors have
already incorporated the changes and expect to publish very soon after ATM
Forum approval. When published, the draft will be placed in working group
last call as an informational RFC.

draft-ietf-ion-scsp-atmarp-01.txt, A Distributed ATMARP Service Using SCSP,
11/19/98, B. Fox, J. Luciani, J. Halpern

        => This draft was updated 3 weeks ago. The authors request comments from
the working group.

draft-ietf-ion-scsp-atmarp-mib-00.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for
ATMARP Dependent Server Cache Synchronization Protocol Using SMIv2,
10/9/98, C. Wang, C. Verrilli, J.Luciani

        => The authors request comments from the working group.

draft-want-ion-sec-scsp-00.txt, Security Analysis to Server Cache
Synchronization Protocol, 3/9/98, C. Wang, S. Wu

        => This draft requires additional analysis.  Working group members are
asked to look at the draft and provide comments to the mail list.

RFC 1356 Update 

RFC 1356, the IP over X.25 specification, is currently a draft standard and
is overdue to be advanced to full standard.  To meet a key requirement for
promotion, he requests implementation reports be posted on the mail list.
An implementation report should include:

        1) A statement that RFC 1356 was implemented,

        2) Identities of the other implementations for which interoperability has
been demonstrated, and

        3) What portions of the RFC were not implemented.

SCSP MIB (draft-ietf-ion-scsp-mib-00.txt)

Cliff Wang presented the Server Cache Synchronization Protocol (SCSP) MIB.
He invited comments from the working group members. This document defines
the SCSP protocol independent MIB definition, which contains three tables:
scspServerGroupTable, scspLSTable, and scspDCSTable.

The first protocol dependent MIB is the SCSP ATMARP dependent MIB. Comments
from the mail list resulted in the Hello FSM being moved from the SCSP
protocol independent MIB to the ATMARP dependent MIB.

Two additional protocol dependent MIBs are required, MARS and NHRP. Cliff
is not able to participate in this work and asks for volunteers to take over.

RFC 1483 Update (draft-ietf-ion-multiprotocol-atm-00.txt)

Dan Grossman presented the proposed update to RFC1483. Currently, RFC1483
is at proposed draft status.  Dan produced the first draft to update the
RFC before the last meeting.  Comments have been received on the mail list.

The goal is to proceed to working group last call shortly after this meeting.

Dan described the initial objectives for the RFC update:

        - clean out anachronisms in the draft

        - reference subsequent work

        - correct editorial problems

        - address AAL5 options added since RFC1483 by explicitly specifying
include/exclude/allow requirements

Since August, work has been done to clean up authorship and acknowledgement
text.  Dan has added RFC 2119 language to clearly indicate conformance
requirements.  In addition, the AAL5 streaming mode is no longer excluded.

Finally, Dan has improved the Security Considerations section of the
document. Text has been added to state that encapsulation does not effect
security as much as protocols at the higher layers.  A reference was added
for the ATM Forum's security work.  Andy suggested that Dan look at RFC2427
(Multiprotocol over Frame Relay) for another example of an
encapsulation-related Security Considerations section.

Dan reported that after the draft was initially published, Juha Hein„nen,
the RFC 1483 editor, asked for clarification of padding for bridged PDUs.
These did not make it into the current draft but will be added in the next
version. Another comment received from a member of the working group
reported misstatements about the use of RFC1483 by ATM Forum LAN Emulation
(LANE).  Dan has corrected the text for the next version.

At Jim Luciani's request (see the VPN ID discussion below), the WG will
wait until February before issuing last call so that late-breaking results
from the February ATM Forum meeting can be included.

Dan plans to issue a revised draft around the first of the year, and it
will be updated one additional time in February to incorporate the ATM
Forum work and comments from the January version.  It will be sent out for
working group last call at that time.  The working group agreed.

SCSP for ATMARP (draft-ietf-ion-scsp-atmarp-01.txt)

Joel Halpern presented the status of the draft.  The only reason the draft
is not done is because there was a question about what to do with
conflicting information at multiple servers.  A solution was prepared and
documented in the latest draft.  The solution provides for both servers to
clear information for the clients and send a management trap.

Joel plans to get this done and out.

VPN IDs for NHRP (draft-fox-vpn-id-00.txt)

Bernhard Petri presented the Virtual Private Network (VPN) identifier
draft.  The draft was targeted to the VPN BOF earlier this week as well as
ION.  Many potential VPN mechanisms exist.  The draft states a requirement
for a globally unique VPN identifier.  The identifier would be independent
of the specific technical solution for VPN and would be used to solve
problems in VPN address scope, configuration, performance monitoring, and
fault management.

A number of possible identifier formats are presented in the draft.  The
proposed format consists of a 3-octet OUI followed by a 4-octet VPN index.

A NHRP VPN internet draft is planned for the next IETF meeting.  The draft
will use the proposed VPN ID.  One potential use is to encode the VPN ID in
NHRP messages.  A second application is the server-server solution for MPOA

Bernhard requested comments from the working group members.

Dan Grossman asked if this encapsulation impact of this work should be
described in the RFC 1483 update.  Jim Luciani advised that while the NHRP
VPN draft will use a TLV to encode the VPN ID, the ATM Forum MPOA group
wants to also investigate an LLC/SNAP (0x00-A0-3E + PID + VPN-ID) encoding.
This will impact the RFC 1483 update.  Work is being brought into the
February ATM Forum meeting, and the results will then be sent to Dan for
inclusion in the RFC 1483 update.

Andy asked Bernhard if he had any objections to this becoming an ION
working group document.  There was no objection and the draft will be
re-published as a working group document.

Implementation report, Mikhail Smirnov

Mikhail presented the results of an ATM multicast implementation that uses
a layer 2 protocol similar to MARs.  He described the work as a lightweight
implementation of MARs that included two extra features: shortcuts and
Quality of Service.  The protocol is described in
draft-smirnov-ion-earth-02.txt.   RSVP was used to obtain the quality of
service indications, but any other QoS signaling protocol can also be made
to work.

In the future, they would like to add AAA capabilities to their Multicast
Integration Server.

The purpose of the presentation was to make the community aware of the work
and experience.  An experimental RFC may result.

Open discussion 

Andy reminded the group that the ATM Forum is a major customer for the work
performed here.

Andy reviewed the plans for the working group.  He advised that the current
plan had been to complete all current work at this meeting. The group would
then transition to a quiescent state to allow development of
implementations.  The Area Directors and the working group chairs feel that
this period is required to get real experience with the protocols developed
up to this time.

At least one additional meeting is required to complete the on-going
internet drafts.  The current plan is to meet in March, which will be the
last formal meeting of the working group for a while.

There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.