ION WG Minutes

Internetworking over Non-broadcast Multiple Access Networks (ION) met
Wednesday, December 10th, from 9:00 to 11:30.  The meeting was chaired
by Andy Malis and George Swallow.  There were 157 in attendance.


The ION list has moved.  The new host is Sun Microsystems.
The mailing list information is now:

  General Discussion:
  To Subscribe:
  In Body: subscribe ion

Status and Work Plan

Andy Malis presented the status of new RFCs and all ION drafts.  This
lead into a discussion of the current work plan.  The discussion
resulted in an updated work plan.  

For the minutes are captured the status of all documents which have
passed Working Group last call, followed by the updated work plan.

New RFCs (since Munich):

   RFC 2115, Management Information Base for Frame Relay DTEs, Caralyn
             Brown, Fred Baker, 9/16/97 (Draft Standard)

   RFC 2191, VENUS - Very Extensive Non-Unicast Service, Grenville
             Armitage, 9/10/97 (Informational)

   RFC 2226, IP Broadcast over ATM Networks, Timothy Smith, Grenville
             Armitage, 10/28/97 (Proposed Standard)

Awaiting RFC publication:

   draft-ietf-ion-ipatm-classic2-03.txt, Classical IP and ARP over ATM,
             10/16/97 (Proposed Standard)
             Reason:  Awaiting the Classical IP MIB

   draft-ietf-ion-sig-uni4.0-05.txt, ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM 
             - UNI Signaling 4.0 Update, 11/12/97 (Proposed Standard)

Drafts in IESG Review:

   draft-ietf-ion-fr-update-03.txt, Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame
             Relay, 5/8/97 (Standard)
             Awaiting implementation report and new security section

   draft-ietf-ion-inarp-update-01.txt, Inverse Address Resolution Protocol,
             5/8/97 (Draft Standard)
             Awaiting implementation report and new security section

   draft-ietf-ion-mars-mib-04.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for
             Multicast over UNI, 12/2/97 (Proposed Standard)

   draft-ietf-ion-mib-04.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for Classical
             IP and ARP Over ATM Using SMIv2, 7/15/97 (Proposed Standard)
             Completed IETF Last Call on 11/10/97

   draft-ietf-ion-nhrp-appl-02.txt, NHRP Protocol Applicability Statement,
             7/25/97 (Proposed Standard)
             Completed IETF Last Call on 11/20/97

   draft-ietf-ion-scsp-02.txt, Server Cache Synchronization Protocol
             (SCSP), 10/30/97 (Proposed Standard)
             Completed IETF Last Call on 11/20/97

   draft-ietf-ion-scsp-nhrp-02.txt, A Distributed NHRP Service Using SCSP,
             10/29/97  (Proposed Standard)
             Completed IETF Last Call on 11/20/97

   draft-ietf-ion-transition-02.txt, Classical IP to NHRP Transition,
             7/3/97, (Informational)
             Completed IETF Last Call on 11/20/97

   draft-ietf-rolc-nhrp-12.txt, NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP),
             10/30/97  (Proposed Standard)
             Completed IETF Last Call on 11/20/97

Updated ION Work Plan (by submission date)

Dec 97  Using the MARS model in non-ATM NBMA networks (Informational)

Jan 98  Update for RFC1490 (Standard) 

        Update for RFC1293 (Draft Standard)
        Intra-LIS IP multicast among routers over ATM using Sparse
          Mode PIM (Proposed Standard)

        Distributed MARS Service Using SCSP (informational)

        Intra-area Unicast based upon OSPF ARA (Proposed Standard)

Feb 98  Submit IPv6 over NBMA, ATM, and FR drafts (PS)

Mar 98  NHRP MIB (Proposed Standard)

        ILMI-Based Server Discovery for ATMARP (Proposed Standard)

        ILMI-Based Server Discovery for MARS (Proposed Standard)

        ILMI-Based Server Discovery for NHRP (Proposed Standard)

               ion security (PS)
May 98  SCSP for ATMARP (Proposed Standard)


Open issues:

Items with final dates which are TBD, but by end of 98...

        Submit Guidelines for Next Hop Client (NHC) Developers
          (will require some implementation experience)

        Proxy PAR (this is a fairly new effort and will require some
          progress prior to picking a completion date).

The only other open issue is Router to Router NHRP.  Joel Halpern will 
try to identify someone to push it forward


ITU-T Study Group 11 liaison, Muneyoshi Suzuki

Acting as a liaison from ITU-T, M. Suzuki presented his draft,

"The Assignment of the Information Field and Protocol Identifier in
the Q.2941 Generic Identifier and Q.2957 User-to-user Signaling for
the Internet Protocol".

Study Group 11 has been extending the BISDN signalling capabilities in
ways which they hope will be of benefit to IP protocols.  The purpose
of this presentation was to apprise the working group of their efforts
and to share their specification.

Their document specifies the assignment of the information field and
protocol identifier in the Q.2941 Generic Identifier and Q.2957
User-to-user Signaling for the Internet protocol.

SG11 has set a goal of Q3 98 to identify internet services which don't
need further signalling enhancements, and Q1 99 for those that do.

A large portion of the code space has been set aside for
administration by IANA.  

All members of the WG are encouraged to read the draft and consider
how it may be employeed.  The Chairs thanked Mr. Suzuki and the SG 11
for providing this mechanism and sharing it with the ION WG.

Updates to the OSPF Address Resolution Advertisement and Intra-
area IP Unicast drafts, Juha Heinanen

Rob Coltun updated the group on the above drafts.  Most of the
technical updates pertain to OSPF, so this presentation was largely
informational.  Rob has added some sub-community capabilities to the
opaque LSA.

George Swallow & Rob discussed using cached OSPF metric information to
determine when it is safe to continue to use an SVC indicated by an
old route while an SVC to support a new (better) route is being

Updates to the ion security drafts,
Grenville Armitage

These were introduced in order to call them to the working groups
attention.  They will be updated prior to the March meeting.  Working
group members are encouraged to read and comment.

Updates to the IPv6 over NBMA and ATM drafts,
Grenville Armitage

The primary technical change to this document is that the IPv6 
Flow label is used to adjudicate shortcut attempts.  Only flows with a
flow label of zero are candidates for short cuts.  This will be
presented to the IPNG WG.  The results will be discussed on the mail

IPv6 over Frame Relay and IPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery drafts
Alex Conta

These drafts define the operation of IPv6 over Frame Relay.  They
define an IPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery (IND) protocol which is
analogous to the inverse arp used for IPv4.  The protocol allows a
Frame Relay node to discover dynamically the DLCI associated with one
of its virtual circuits at the remote node and an IPv6 address of that
remote node.

The Frame Relay interface token is constructed from the EUI bits (set
to 00 to indicate local and unicast), a 38 bit MID for uniqueness, and
24 bits which contain the DLCI, zero filled.  All 1s in the DLCI field
indicates unspecified.

The drafts will be re-issued as WG drafts with the expectation that
they can be forwarded ot the IESG in advance of our next meeting.

Proxy PAR for ATM router autoconfiguration, Tony Przygienda

Proxy PAR (PNNI Augmented Routing) is an extension to PNNI being
developed at the ATM Forum.  It is designed to provide an
autoconfiguration capability.  This is accomplished by allowing
routers to inject some information into PNNI.  PNNI distributes this
information through it's linkstate machinery.  It is then passed up to
other routers.  This allows the discovery of other routers and their

The current draft offers an overview of Proxy PAR and was presented to
motivate defining the use of PAR within the ION WG.  This was accepted
as a work group item.  No completion date has been specified, except
that it is expected prior to 12/98.