Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

Minutes of IETF IDS Working Group Meeting 
Los Angeles, Wednesday March 6th 1996

1. Liaison Reports
It is preferred that liaison reports be circulated to the mailing list prior to the meetings so that they are accessible and there is a record of them.

* Nameflow/Paradise
The top-level service has now only one machine (DSA); the DUA has been removed. After an X.500 93 test (see below) the customer meeting decided that 93 there will be no deployment of 93 in 1996. The customer meeting did express a strong commitment to other technologies than X.500.

* Longbud
Longbud has now over 3500 entries, 200 of which are for X.400 routing. 10 countries are involved of which GB, DE and US are the largest users.

* Whois++
There is a new version of the Bunyip software and there is a development for the use of different charsets (unicode). There are 15 sites that use whois++ for a White Pages service. In total there are 75 registered servers, that besides WP are used for searching of domain names and documents. 

2. X.500 catalog
A draft has been published that is fairly up-to-date. There are 5 more remaining implementors that have to respond. They are given a month, then the document will be finalized by Chris Apple and Ken Rossen. Last call is in April.

3. whois++ catalog
The call for implementations has lead to two responses only (Bunyip & ICL). ICL has an email client with Whois++ integrated. Hence there is no immediate need for a catalog. Patrik Faltstrom will however track the progress of implementations and will maintain an on-line catalog.

4. CCSO Nameserver Documents
No comments on the draft. It was suggested that it should be sent to a mailing list of CCSO people (Roland Hedberg, Paul Pomas, Steve Dorner). There will be another document on preferred practices for Ph directory service (Roland Hedberg, Joann Ordille, and John Noerenberg) -- a draft is planned for Montreal. 

5. Managing the X.500 root naming context 
In February some participants of Nameflow/Paradise tested X.500 93 software in the NP environment. Since the standard lacks the concept of a root context (only bilateral agreements between first level country DSAs are allowed) the draft by David Chadwick was used to establish a model with a top level DSA. However, the proposed model in this draft turned out to have some unexpected consequences. Once a shadow agreement is in place there are two things that happen:
(1) a "spot shadow upwards" to the root DSA, (2) a "broadcast shadow downwards" from the root DSA, where the shadow DSA only uses the good bits of the information. This downwards replication is where the problem lies. Another problem is that "list" doesn't work in 93 at the root or country level because it causes the top level or first level DSA to call all of its subordinates. There was a suggestion by Andrew Palka (Digital) to repair some things. Vincent Berkhout will repost Andrews' idea to the list. All listeners (and especially vendors) are invited to respond to Andrew's idea.

6. Default names RFC
The meeting agreed that the current draft is very useful, but didn't agree upon whether it should become a BCP or standard RFC. It was decided that Russ Wright and Martin Hamilton will have a new version ready within a few weeks which will be sent to the user services group for feedback. After that a decision will be taken. 

7. BCP on directory services
Several comments were made to expand Harald Alvestrand's first draft. (keywords: free use, context, data collection, local/global scope, universal view). Harald and Peter Jurg (as co-editor) will produce a next expanded version in the upcoming weeks. 

8. application/directory
Tim Howes introduced his application/directory MIME type, that is being discussed in the IETF ASID working group. Tim explained that he used Tony Genovese's schema draft as input for his work on application/directory. IBM, Apple, ATT & Siemens harmonize electronic business card information (Vcard, a Versit initiative: http://www.versit.com). The Vcard profile is a superset of a person profile in Tim's application/directory. The relation between the two will be further worked out in ASID. There is a document about Versit which will be announced on the IDS and ASID lists by Roland Alden.

10. WP schema
It was discussed whether the profile definitions for application/directory could be used as a general schema definition. However, in order for the common indexing protocol to make sense out of the different protocols that it should link together, it was decided that a protocol/format independent schema is needed (reference schema). Tony Genovese will update his old schema document to serve as such and submit it to the list by 1st April 1996.

11. IWP requirements
There seemed to be no consensus on what a document with respect to user/service requirements should look like. The item will therefore be skipped.

12. Charter
The charter will be updated by Sri and Linda. The BCP and default names document will be added and user requirements removed.