Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

IDS Minutes
Montreal IETF
9am to 11:30am June 26th 1996

Reported by : Linda Millington, Control Data Systems Inc. 

1. Previous meeting's Minutes and current Agenda were agreed. 

2. Whois++ Projects Presentation

The Internet Whois++ Project NSF Testbed is currently running Digger 
2.0 and moving in to production. There are currently 4 participating 
campuses with a total of 100,000 records with 8 attribute/value pairs 
per record. The anticipated size is 250,000 to 300,000 records. There is 
one centroid at present which receives 400 hits/day. The final report of 
this project is due in July/August 1996.

The Swedish CIP Project is scheduled to run from August 1996 until 
January 1997 and is required to span ISPs, companies with their own 
catalogues and companies which run the service. Access will be via 
Whois++ with LDAP following later. Initially this project is for email 

Hudson is a White Pages for the Government in Canada which is using 
Whois++ and CIP. This has been moved from test into production and 
can be accessed via 


3. Status of on-line Catalogs

The X.500 I-D has been sent to the list and needs to be reviewed. Sri and 
Linda offered to do this. The Catalog currently contains details on 26 
implementations. The next stage will be for the implementors to be 
given two weeks to check their entries before moving to last call and 
the Catalog web site will be updated within two weeks of the I-D 
becoming an RFC. 

The Whois++ Catalog currently has three entries, Digger server from 
Bunyip (just released), IMAP client from ICL and Wombat which is a 
stand-alone X Windows client from Bunyip.

4. Ph Drafts Status

"The CCSO Nameserver (Ph) Architecture" Draft needs to be reviewed 
by the Ph people. A two week deadline has been imposed to make a 
decision on this being put up for proposed standard.

The "Preferred Practices for Ph Directory Services" Draft has not been 
circulated. Joann will send a Draft to the list by October with the 
target status being informational.

5. DNS Aliases

Martin Hamilton gave an overview of the "Use of DNS Aliases for 
Network Services" Draft. A lengthy discussion ensued about this being 
a short term solution until SRV available and that there seemed to be 
no single commonly used alias for CCSO. It was decided to move the 
discussion about the CCSO alias to the mailing list and the group felt 
that this Draft should be progressed as a BCP.

6. Discovery

The "Finding Stuff (Providing information to support service 
discovery)" Draft was discussed and the authors agreed to look at the 
Service Location Draft and if more work needed to be done the 
information should be fed back to that WG.

7. BCP on Directory

Concern was expressed that even though this Draft had be sent to the 
list there had been no comments. It was suggested that specific pointers 
to existing services would be useful.

8. Managing the X.500 Root Naming Context 

Dante wants to migrate from Quipu to an X.500 1993 service but has run 
in to problems with the 1993 way of doing one level searches. Defect 
reports on the Standard are currently being progressed with the aim of 
getting a new profile to shadow a single entry. The aim is to re-issue 
this Draft as Experimental by September.

9. White Pages Schema Draft

Various comments on syntax and names have been received and they 
will be circulated to the mailing list for further discussion. The section 
on owner/creator needs to be made consistent and some clarifying text 
needs to be added about issues such as attributes should be supported by 
the server but don't have to necessarily be populated. Due to lack of 
time further discussion on multi-valued attributes will be held on the 
list. Tony will circulate a revised Draft by August 1st 1996. 

10. Normandy

Microsoft gave a presentation on Normandy the directory service they 
are building using the IDS work.

11. Nomenclator

Nomenclator integrates CCSO servers and is currently an experimental 
tool. The Query Resolver and Distributed Catalog Service will be run at 
Bell Labs initially in order to gain experience before making the 
software available. More information is available from :

