Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

                   Minutes of the IDS WG, San Jose
                    Wednesday December 11th 1996
                   Reported by : Linda Millington

1. Liaison Reports

An overview of the Internet Nomenclator Project is available at :


The software is complete and is currently being tested by three
organisations and demos are available on request. Comments have been
received on draft-ietf-ids-snqp-00.txt and a new draft will be circulated.

The Long Bud project has finished.  It provided a demonstration of the
technology but it is no longer clear that this is a problem that needs to be

It is business as usual for Nameflow and the following documents are available :

        http://www.dante.net/np/report.html     Annual Report
        http://www.dante.net/np/meeting.html    Minutes of last Nameflow meeting

There has been an extension to the WHOIS++ Project and the final report is
due in March.  There are currently two independent implementations and
experience is showing that incremental indexing is neeeded.  Patrik will
send a message to the list on the effect of size on indexes.

2. Status of Drafts submitted to AD for progression

The X.500 root Naming Context is being progressed as an Experimental RFC.
The X.500 catalog is being progreesed as Informational.

There are some issues with the DNS Aliases Draft and Harald will send it
back to the Group with comments.

3. Schema Requirements Draft

After some discusiion on sorting it was decided that we were not trying to
solve the sorting problem in this Draft.

There was some concern expressed that unique id could cause problems across
protocol contexts and the decision was that unique id should not be included.

There was rough concensus that creator and modifier should be changed from
DN to URI.

The bio label will be changed to description.

A revised Draft will be circulated by Friday 13th December and this will be
progressed as Proposed standard.

4. BCP on Directory

It was reiterated that the purpose of this paper is to say what is best now
and not to predict the future.  The following revisions were agreed on and
once they are made the Draft will be progressed :

a. Add in a reference to the Internet White Pages Schema
b. The naming structure section needs clarifying
c. Add in a glossary of terms, possibly using
   or RFC 1983

5  Directory Naming

a. Naming Plan for an Internet Directory Service

An overview of draft-ietf-ids-dirnaming-01.txt was given to the group.  The
basic premise of this Draft is that X.521 Annexe B and NADF have proved to
be cumbersome in practice.  The Draft suggests using DNS names to build a
directory tree.

b. An Approach for Using Domains in LDAP Distinguished Names

draft-ietd-asid-ldap-domains-00.txt which is a successor to RFC 1279.  DC
attributes are currently rooted under o=Internet and in order to be useful
the rest of the organisational attributes would need to be in the DC entries.

c. Conclusions and Actions

The two drafts will be combined and distributed by the end of 1996.  The
schema will need to be extended and discussion about whether naming based on
domains ahould be rooted under o=Internet or not will be taken to the
mailing list.  Hoyt Kesterson will solicit feedback from ISO on their
opinions about o=Internet and expanding the registration authority for DC.

6. CCSO Nameserver (Ph) Architecture

A revised Draft is imminent at which point it will be ready for progression.

7. Finding Stuff

There are a number of outstanding issues in this area.  Should this work be
part of IDS or the DNS work?  The issues will be taken to the SRV WG and a
possible conclusion will be that a new WG is needed.

8.  LDAP Gateway to RWhois

michael Mealling gave a brief description of changes being made to rwhois
inclusing an LDAP gateway.  A Draft will be available by the Memphis IETF
and this project will become part of the liaison/service reoprts.