Reported by Linda Millington/Control Data Systems

Minutes of the Integrated Directory Services Working Group (IDS)

The IDS Working Group met once at the Danvers IETF on Wednesday, 5

Liaison Reports

   o Dante Nameflow -- Marko Kaittola

     The basic services are stable and they have recently recruited a
     new staff member who will take responsibility for directory
     services.  Dante has made a policy decision to concentrate their
     efforts on their paying customers.  From 1 May there will only be
     one X.500 root machine and this will no longer be covered 24 hours
     per day.  A transition is in progress to X.500 1993 which will
     involve two parallel infrastructures and the aim is to remove Quipu
     from the root of the X.500 tree by the end of the year.  Full text
     of the report is available from:

   o PSI -- Sri Sataluri

     The problems with the c=US X.500 node run by PSI are being resolved
     and EDB updates are now done via FTP.

   o NADF -- Tim Howes

     NADF is meeting and piloting -- business as usual.

   o Long Bud -- Kevin Jordan

     Routing is mainly at the top of the tree at ADMD and PRMD level.
     The X.400/RFC 822 and RFC 822/X.400 mappings are available under
     o=Internet and are updated daily from the mapping tables maintained
     by SWITCH. Ongoing work is to bring up two more core DSAs, one in
     the US and one in Europe and to replicate the mapping information.

   o WHOIS++ -- Patrik Faltstrom

     To date most of the work effort has been put into the
     implementation with the next stage being deployment.  In Sweden
     WHOIS++ and X.500 are currently being synchronized as part of the
     K-12 schools service.  This involves looking at how a distributed
     directory service works for schools.  There will initially be 40
     schools with Internet access.  More information will be available
     by the next IETF in Stockholm.

X.500 Product Catalogue

Chris Apple has converted the current RFC into HTML format and will make
contact with the group currently looking at converting RFCs into HTML.
The next stage is to start the updating process.  There are currently
ten new implementors requesting inclusion.

Action:  Chris to post the first few pages to the list for comment.

CCSO Project - Roland Hedberg

Roland gave an overview of the work he is currently doing on directory
services using PH and X.500 with a PH to X.500 gateway.  The sorts of
issues faced have included use of national character sets, name
resolution, query and response translation, results overflow (if you get
results from three different sources how do you choose which to return?)
and ultimately how kind should you be to the user in the respect of user
expectations and learning yet another query syntax.  Future work planned
includes dealing with multiple trees (e.g., one public, several private)
and the indexing of organizations.

Internet X.500 Directory Schema

The paper from the schema task force was submitted to Jon Postel.  A
possible problem was identified with the allocation of OIDs.  The
decision was made to forward this paper to the RFC Editor and a
delegation would talk to him in Danvers to try and reach agreement.

X.500 Production Directory Service

This draft (draft-ietf-ids-x500-pds-directory-00.txt) needs to be
forwarded to Harald for progression.

SurfNet Directories Booklet

A new version of this booklet is now at the printers.  It has been
extended to include more non-X.500 directories and will be made
available on-line, details to be announced.

NOMENCLATOR Project - Sri Sataluri

The core is now stable and more information is being added.  A
demonstration is currently being set up and more volunteers are needed
for the pilot project.  More detailed information can be obtained from:

Internet X.500 Schema Task Force

The current schema will be released in the next few weeks and a
discussion on a revised schema will be started on the list.  The core
Internet schema will be released as an RFC as a successor to RFC 1274.

Review of the Charter

The general consensus was that the charter needs to be more focussed and
that items which had lost their relevance over time should be removed.
The following work items were reviewed:

   o X.500 Implementations Catalogue
     Action:  Chris, Ken and Todd to provide on-line version of existing
     material plus the 10 new requests by May.

   o WHOIS++ Implementations Catalogue
     Action:  Patrik to circulate in April.

   o Work on privacy issues will be reviewed in the light of available
     resources to carry out the work.  Timescale - decision by next

   o NOMENCLATOR document will be circulated in May.

   o CCSO Informational Document
     Action:  Roland to circulate in June.

   o CCSO to X.500 Gateway
     Action:  Roland to circulate in June.

   o Core Internet X.500 Schema (1274 successor)
     Circulated by 1 July.

   o Evaluation of X.500, WHOIS++ and CCSO with respect to WHIP
     Action:  Linda, Sylvain, Chris to circulate X.500 evaluation by
     1 July.

   o Revised Charter
     Action:  Sri and Linda to circulate for comment.  Timescale - ASAP.