Integrated Directory Services (ids)

 Last Modified: 06/05/2000

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Sri Sataluri  <>
     Linda Millington  <>

 Applications Area Director(s):
     Ned Freed  <>
     Patrik Faltstrom  <>

 Applications Area Advisor:
     Ned Freed  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

The Integrated Directory Services (IDS) Working Group is chartered to
facilitate the integration and interoperability of current and future
directories into a unified Internet directory service. This work will
unite directories based on a heterogeneous set of directory
services protocols (X.500, WHOIS++, etc.).

In addition to specifying technical requirements for the integration,
the IDS Working Group will also contribute to the administrative and
maintenance issues of directory service offerings by publishing
guidelines on directory data integrity, maintenance, security, and
privacy and legal issues for users and administrators of directories.

The IDS Working Group will pay special attention to the creation of an
Internet White Pages Directory Service and will sponsor and track
projects to achieve this goal and specifically take steps to facilitate
wide-spread experimentation of the protocols evolving in the ASID
Working Group.

The IDS Working Group will work on applications of directory technology
and will track ongoing applications projects.  The IDS Working Group
will assume responsibility for the creation and maintenance of on-line
catalogs of directory services implementations.  These catalogs will be
periodically published as Informational RFCs.

The IDS Working Group will take up the unfinished tasks of the WHIP -
White Pages Requirements Working Group - that was constituted at the
Seattle IETF.  The WHIP Working Group set out to define the basic
requirements for a Simple Internet White Pages Service.

The IDS Working Group will liaise with the groups working on
development and deployment of the various directory service protocols.

The IDS Working Group is a combined effort of the Applications Area and
the User Services Area of the IETF.

Ongoing Activities:
  Track emerging directory service protocols in order to identify the
  need for specifying standards for interworking with other service

  Liaise with groups working on deployment and development of directory
  services to locate and fix interoperability problems.

  Identify unfilled needs of directory service offerers,
  administrators, and users.

Catalogs maintained on-line, with occasional publication as RFCs:
   RFC due   On-line version          Name
   Dec 95    Jun 95 A Catalog of WHOIS++ Implementations.
                    -- Patrick Faltstrom (first issue)
   Dec 95    Jul 95 The On-line X.500 Directory Implementations Catalog 
                    (on-line version of RFC 1632).
                    -- Chris Apple and Ken Rossen
Pilot Projects reporting to this group:

    The Long Bud Project -- Internet Pilot Project for the
    Deployment of X.500 Directory Information in Support of
    X.400 Routing (RFC 1802)
    Co-ordinator: Kevin Jordan
    Lifetime: Jan 94 - Dec 96
    The Internet Nomenclator Project
    Co-ordinator: Joann Ordille
    Lifetime: Jun 95 - Jun 97
    The Internet Whois++ Project
    Co-ordinator: Patrick Faltstrom
    Lifetime: Jun 95 - Jun 97

    The Internet X.500 (1993) Directory Project
    Co-ordinator: Vincent Berkhout
    Lifetime: Dec 95 - Dec 97
    The Schema Registry project - identifying and publishing X.500
    schema elements used on the Internet
    Co-ordinator: Sri Sataluri
    Lifetime: November 94 - Nov 96

 Goals and Milestones:

   JUL 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, ``Building a Directory in the 

   SEP 95       Submit to the IESG, ``Requirements for an Internet White 
                Pages Services'' as a ... TBD ... document. 

   OCT 95       Submit to the IESG, ``Building a Directory in the US'' for 
                consideration as an Informational RFC. 

   OCT 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, ``User Requirements for a 
                Simple Internet White Pages Service''. 

   OCT 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, ``Procedures for Formalizing, 
                Evolving, and Maintaining the Internet X.500 Directory 

   OCT 95       Submit to the IESG, ``Procedures for Formalizing, Evolving, 
                and Maintaining the Internet X.500 Directory Schema'' as a 
                BCP Document. 

   NOV 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, the 1995 revision of FYI 11 
                ``A Revised Catalog of Available X.500 Implementations''. 

   NOV 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, ``Schema Requirements for a 
                Simple Internet White Pages Service''. 

   NOV 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, ``Catalog of available WHOIS++ 

   NOV 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, ``The CCSO Directory 
                Services'' with the goal of publising it as an 
                Informational RFC. 

   NOV 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, ``The Internet Nomenclator 
                Project'' with the goal of publishing it as an Experimental 

   NOV 95       Submit as and Internet-Draft ``The CCSO to X.500 Directory 
                Services Gateway'' with the goal of publishing it as ... 

   DEC 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, ``The Core Internet X.500 
                Schema'', (long overdue successor to RFC1274) with the goal 
                of publishing it as a ... TBD. 

   DEC 95       Submit to the IESG, ``A Catalog of available WHOIS++ 
                Implementations'' for publication as an Informational RFC. 

   DEC 95       Submit to the IESG, the 1995 revision of FYI 11 ``A Revised 
                Catgalog of Available X.500 Implementations''. 

   DEC 95       Submit to the IESG, the 1995 revision of FYI 21 ``A Survey 
                of Advanced Usages of X.500'' for publication as an 
                Informational RFC. 

   DEC 95       Submit as an Internet-Draft, ``Evaluation of X.500 
                Directory with respect to WHIP's Requirements Document''. 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC1491 I    JUL 93    A Survey of Advanced Usages of X.500 

RFC1632 I    MAY 94    A Revised Catalog of Available X.500 Implementations 

RFC1803 I    JUN 95    Recommendations for an X.500 Production Directory 

RFC1943 I    MAY 96    Building an X.500 Directory Service in the US 

RFC2120 E    MAR 97    Managing the X.500 Root Naming Context 

RFC2116 I    APR 97    X.500 Implementations Catalog-96 

RFC2148BCP  SEP 97    Deployment of the Internet White Pages Service 

RFC2219BCP  OCT 97    Use of DNS Aliases for Network Services 

RFC2218 PS   OCT 97    A Common Schema for the Internet White Pages Service 

RFC2259 I    JAN 98    Simple Nomenclator Query Protocol (SNQP) 

RFC2258 I    JAN 98    Internet Nomenclator Project 

RFC2378 I    SEP 98    The CCSO Nameserver (Ph) Architecture 

RFC2377 I    SEP 98    Naming Plan for Internet Directory-Enabled 