Open Systems Routing Working Group
Chairperson:  Marianne Lepp/BBN

Reported by Marianne Lepp


Combined Attendee Roster Open Routing/ANTF

  1. Almes, Guy/

  2. Braden, Bob/

  3. Breslau, Lee/

  4. Brim, Scott/

  5. Clark, David/

  6. Estrin, Deborah/

  7. Farinacci, Dino/

  8. Lepp, Marinne/

  9. Little, Mike/

 10. Mogul, Jeffrey/

 11. Sollins, Karen/

 12. Steenstrup, Martha/

 13. Su, Zaw-Sing/

 14. Tsuchiya, Paul/

 15. Wood, C. Philip/

 16. Zhang, Lixia/


     We met jointly with ANTF. The first day was spent discussing
     issues from the architecture, in particular virtual links.  On the
     second day we went through the architecture paper, pointing out
     places where it was confusing and insufficiently detailed.  The
     second topic of the day was a discussion of experiments that can

be undertaken now to support our work.  The rest of the time was
spent on ANTF discussions which will be described in the ANTF

meeting report.