The working group met for 3 half-day sessions.  The first two were
editing sessions for the architecture draft paper that will be out this
month.  The third was planned as an open informational session, but the
open steering group meeting was taking place at the same time and took
away our audience.

The agenda of the editing session was the last section of the
architecture paper:  defining the first step in an evolution path to
implementing the entire protocol.

For the first phase, we chose a simplified virtual gateway protocol in
which only two border gateways participate.  We discussed the policy
gateway to policy gateway protocol which runs among policy gateways
inside an Administrative Domain.  It was felt that this is an essential
protocol for a first phase implementation.  The mechanism for
disseminating data, including electing a policy gateway spokesman,
determining when data should be sent, and the mechanisms for limiting
the extent of its flow, were also determined to be essential.  A route
query would allow experimentation with policy routes and validation
without actually implementing the automated part of policy validation,
etc.  Finally, we discussed a mixed environment, when source routes
could be installed at 'tack' points, while the gateways in-between are
doing routing as usual.


     Marianne Lepp
     Michael Little
     Lixia Zhang
     Noel Chiappa
     Martha Steenstrup