MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE HUBMIB AND ATOMMIB WG TUESDAY, March 19, 2002 1700-1800 Afternoon Sessions IV INT atommib &OPS &hubmib AToM MIB WG & Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB WG Chairs: Dan Romascanu - dromasca@avaya.com, Faye Ly - fayely98@hotmail.com, Nathan Kohn - mvnk@lucent.com Introductions, Agenda bashing, Minutes Taker - 5 min IEEE 802.3 status - Dan Romascanu - 10 min WIS MIB Status and Open Issues Resolution - Mike Heard and KC Norseth - 30 min Next Steps, How to complete WGs Charter - 15 min Internet-Draft <<http://www.ietf.cnri.reston.va.us/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-hubmib-wis-mib-02.txt>> Minutes taken by Randy Presuhn - randy_presuhn@bmc.com There were no major changes to the proposed agenda for the joint atommib / hubmib meeting. There was a update on the IEEE 802.3ae activity. Problems had been identified in the conformance clauses, and a new internal letter is planned. Draft 4.1 is in ballot, and draft 4.2 is hoped for by March 18, with an IEEE interim planned in April and completion targeted for June, 2002. Fortunately, all major management-related comments have already been resolved. The status report on the WIS (WAN Interface Sublayer) MIB presented at the IEEE 803.2ae interim meeting indicated that the IEEE liked it, and that there was no contention surrounding the resolution of issues. Recent changes include the addition of a new test pattern type, changing some flags to enumerations, and trace object alignment. The editors of the WIS MIB are aware of a few edits that will be needed, and the plan is to wait for the 4.2 update from the IEEE, do a sanity check between the MIB and the GDMO definitions, then issue a working group last call on a document with an annex identifying known problems. The document forwarded to the IESG will need to be "clean". The WG last call will be done in the hubmib WG, but will also be announced on the atommib WG mailing list. A review of RFC 2558 implementations from five different vendors showed that, when taken together, every object was supported by at least two implementations. The plan is to recommend the document for advancement from Proposed to Draft Standard. The final discussion concluded that those present did not see a need for another joint meeting.