Working Group: GRIP
Reported by: Barbara Fraser

The GRIP working group met once during the 40th IETF meeting held in
Washington D.C. The agenda for the meeting included the following topics:

- Review status of the current IRT draft document
- Discuss current ISP document
- Review status of future product developers document
- Suggestion for new document on standardized vulnerability reporting format

The IRT document is complete and just waiting for formal action by the
IESG/IETF. The group decided that they would like to submit the document
for consideration as a BCP, and this will be done immediately after the
IETF meeting.

Most of the meeting was spent discussing the current -01 draft of the ISP
document (draft-ietf-grip-isp-01.txt). They had been discussion on the
mailing list concerning two recommendations included in the draft. These
were: 1)ingress filtering and 2)open mail relays.

There was consensus in the group to accept the current wording of the
document with regards to both of these topics. The document editor will
solicit comments from the ADs as well as other ISPs and if they can't
support the recommendations, he will ask for specific examples of why the
recommendations are flawed. 

The editor will change the phrase "unsoliticted commercial e-mail" to
"unsolicited bulk email" to better describe the recommendation since it
isn't only commercial organizations who send unsolicited email. 

One other topic concerning the ISP document came up. A person in the
community emailed Barbara about the relationship between this document and
the SSE-CMM work going on in the community. Barbara will take the action
item to review the SSE-CMM material for relevance and forward to the list
any specifics, which Tom can then incorporate into the draft document.

The group briefly discussed the technology producer document and two people
volunteered to develop a draft from the current outline. This will be ready
by the end of January.

There was a suggestion to develop a document that would describe a common
formatting for vulnerability reports. Computer incident response teams
(e.g., CERT/CC), product vendors, and other organizations create their own
documents with unique formatting. If these conformed to a set of basic
guidelines, software could be written to parse the text to facilitate
forwarding pertinent information to those who need it. This is currently a
difficult task given the variety of formats. It was decided to encourage
the author to write the draft document and the group would decide how to
handle it once it existed.

ISP draft -02 from Tom Killelea: week of December 15
Informational RFC/BCP status for ISP document: by January 15
Submit IRT document to IETF last call for BCP action: week of December 15
Updated ISP draft -03: third week of January
Final ISP draft: 2nd week February
Submit ISP document to IETF last call for BCP action: March 1
Informational RFC/BCP status: by March 31, 1998