Frame Relay Service MIB (frnetmib) Working Group Minutes
IETF-44, Minneapolis (March 15-19, 1999)

Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1015-1115

Chair: Andrew Malis, Ascend Communications,

Minutes recorded by Andrew Malis

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1. Administrivia, current documents status

2. Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service

3. Definitions of Managed Objects for Monitoring and Controlling
   the Frame Relay/ATM PVC Service Interworking Function

4. Open discussion

Agenda Item 1: Administrivia, current document status

Andy Malis presented the agenda. There were no request for
changes or additional agenda items.

Following the review of the agenda, Andy presented on overview of
the status of work in the frnetmib group.

The following drafts are in progress:
- draft-ietf-frnetmib-frs-mib-04.txt, Definitions of Managed
  Objects for Frame Relay Service, Ken Rehbehn, Dave Fowler
  We heard about this draft later in the meeting.
- draft-ietf-frnetmib-spvc-02.txt, Frame Relay Switched PVC MIB,
  Bill Coutts
  This was forwarded to IESG for publication as Proposed Standard
  RFC, and last week comments were returned from the IESG.  Bill
  will update the draft based upon the comments.
- draft-ietf-frnetmib-atmiwf-01.txt, Definitions of Managed
  Objects for Monitoring and Controlling the Frame Relay/ATM PVC
  Service Interworking, Ken Rehbehn, Orly Nicklass, George
  We heard about this draft later in the meeting.
- draft-ietf-frnetmib-dte-svc-00.txt, Don Cochrane
  Don had indicated that he was still interested in pursuing this
  draft.  Andy will contact him to determine his current
- draft-ietf-frnetmib-dcp-02.txt, Moji Kashef, Jaime Colom
  Rob Steinberger will contact Jaime to determine his intentions.

Agenda Item 2: Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay
Service, draft-ietf-frnetmib-frs-mib-04.txt

Ken Rehbehn presented the changes since the last meeting.  He
updated the boilerplate, added fragmentation objects, changed
notification prefix for SMIv1 compiles, removed text citing
service level agreements, and got a clean compile with smicng.

He plans to revise the MIB based upon comments he has received
from Bert Wijnen, including apply to both this MIB and the SPVC

Agenda Item 3:  Definitions of Managed Objects for Monitoring and
Controlling the Frame Relay/ATM PVC Service Interworking
Function, draft-ietf-frnetmib-atmiwf-01.txt

Ken Rehbehn also presented this MIB.  He began by describing the
MIB's structure.  During the structure discussion, some open
issues came up that Ken had also listed later in his
presentation.  Changes from the previous version included
boilerplate, additional connection indices and descriptors,
changed TimeTicks to TimeStamp, updated the compliance statement,
updated to SMIv2, and compiled cleanly with smicng.

There are still a number of open issues, including the
relationships with other MIBs, saving the last failed translation
packet header, security boilerplate, connection entry DESCRIPTION
text needs to clarify system behavior, "Big Picture" descriptive
text is needed, it needs text describing creation/destruction of
IWF connections or components, explicit point-to-multipoint text
is needed (both when supported and when not), and an IANA MIB
leaf is required.

David Perkins asked if there extra objects in the
frAtmIwfConnStatusChange notification.  Ken will update the
notification based upon the discussion.  Rob Steinberger
suggested that Ken remove the comment that this will lead to an
SVC MIB, which Ken will do.

Ken's plan is to continue to work with Orly Nicklass and put out
a new draft in the May time frame.  Randy Presuhn asked about the
MIB's persistance characteristics over reboots - will table
entries remain over device reboots?  This was discused in the
meeting, but no conclusions were reached.  This will be further
discussed on the list.

Agenda Item 4: Open Discussion

Rob and Orly are going to think about working on an SLA MIB based
on FRF.13.

No additional items were brought up, and the group adjourned.