Frame Relay Service MIB (frnetmib) Working Group Minutes IETF-45, Oslo

Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1700 - 1800

Chair: Andrew Malis, Lucent Technologies,

Minutes recorded by Andrew Malis

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1.	Administrivia, current documents status

2.	Ken Rehbehn and Orly Nicklass, draft-ietf-frnetmib-atmiwf-02.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for Monitoring and Controlling the Frame Relay/ATM PVC Service Interworking Function

3.	Rob Steinberger and Orly Nicklass, draft-steinberger-frmrelay-service-00.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service Level Definitions

4.	Open discussion

Agenda Item 1: Administrivia, current document status

Andy presented the agenda. There were no request for changes or additional agenda items.

Following the review of the agenda, Andy presented on overview of the status of work in the frnetmib group.

The following drafts are in progress:

draft-ietf-frnetmib-frs-mib-06.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service, Ken Rehbehn, Dave Fowler

This draft is in IESG review following WG last call, and has already been revised based on IESG comments.  It will need another small change to support the FR/ATM IWF MIB.  This was discussed later in the meeting.

draft-ietf-frnetmib-spvc-02.txt, Frame Relay Switched PVC MIB, Bill Coutts

This was forwarded to IESG for publication as Proposed Standard RFC, and comments were returned from the IESG.  Bill has been busy, but plans to update the draft based upon the comments.

draft-ietf-frnetmib-atmiwf-02.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for Monitoring and Controlling the Frame Relay/ATM PVC Service Interworking, Ken Rehbehn, Orly Nicklass, George Mouradian

We heard about this draft later in the meeting.

Rob Steinberger and Orly Nicklass, draft-steinberger-frmrelay-service-00.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service Level Definitions

We heard about this draft later in the meeting.

draft-ietf-frnetmib-dte-svc-00.txt, Don Cochrane

draft-ietf-frnetmib-dcp-02.txt, Moji Kashef, Jaime Colom

Andy has been in contact with the authors, and they have expressed interest in reviving these drafts.

Andy also presented proposed updates to the WG's charter, goals, and milestones, since the current charter and milestones are very out of date.  They were accepted by the group, and will be sent out by Andy to the frnetmib email list in a separate message.

Agenda Item 2: Ken Rehbehn and Orly Nicklass, draft-ietf-frnetmib-atmiwf-02.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for Monitoring and Controlling the Frame Relay/ATM PVC Service Interworking Function

Ken discussed the outstanding issues from the last meeting and the changes since then.

There was only one remaining outstanding issue from the last meeting that Ken still plans to add to the MIB, ATM fault code and location objects.

Outstanding issues to be resolved:

Polish descriptive text
Alter MIB name to reflect experimental status
Prepare draft for technical advisor review
Address cross connection model changes for ATM MIB and FRS MIB

Ken reviewed the cross-connection model, and discussed possible changes to the ATM and FRS MIB to accommodate the IWF MIB.  He presented two options for changes to the ATM and FRS MIB models (these had already been presented on the email list as well). The WG reached consensus on Ken's first proposed model.  Andy will take the action of discussing the AtoM MIB changes with the chair of the AtoM MIB WG and the Internet and Management Area Directors.  The group also agreed upon a similar change to the Frame Relay Service MIB.

Agenda Item 3: Rob Steinberger and Orly Nicklass, draft-steinberger-frmrelay-service-00.txt, Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service Level Definitions

Rob presented an overview of the SLD MIB, which is based on FRF.13 from the Frame Relay Forum (Frame Relay Service Level Definitions), and uses the model and reference points defined in that document.

Ken noted that there is a somewhat similar MIB, draft-white-slapm-mib-04.txt.  He suggested that we study it and decide whether we should be doing something on our own, or should do work in conjunction with that MIB.  We noted that it was an individual submission, and it was unclear to us which (if any) WG is considering or working on it.  Opportunities for synergy will be investigated.

Rob and Orly will continue work on the MIB.  Comments to the list are invited.

Agenda Item 4: Open Discussion

No additional items were brought up, and the group adjourned.