Frame Relay Service MIB (frnetmib) Working Group Minutes Tuesday, December 8, 1415-1515 Chair: Andrew Malis, Ascend Communications <> Minutes recorded by Ken Rehbehn <> Mail List Discussion: GOAL Andy announced the restarting of the Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group following a one-year period of inactivity. In the near future, the mail list will be moved and an archive shall be created. REVIEW OF LAST MEETING Andy reviewed the results from the last meeting held in December 1997. Changes between version 01 and 02 of the Frame Relay Service MIB were reviewed. A new version 03 was planned with the intention of adding new objects in support of the Frame Relay Forum FRF.12 Fragmentation Implementation Agreement (see the discussion about RFC1604 update below). A new SPVC MIB was started with Bill Coutts as editor. A number of other MIBs were pending (DCE SVCs, FR/ATM IWF, Multilink, and FRF.11), however volunteers are needed to make progress. RFC1604 UPDATE, draft-ietf-frnetmib-frs-mib-02.txt Version 03 of the FRS MIB was never published and version 02 has expired as an internet draft. The previous editor, David Fowler, has made the MIB available to the new editor, Ken Rehbehn, who will post version 03 as an internet draft. Several new ifIndex alias objects are present in the current text. Ken will work with David to determine the disposition for these items. The new Frame Relay Fragmentation objects will be included in Version 03. The new version of the FRS MIB is expected to be published by January. SPVC MIB, draft-ietf-frnetmib-spvc-02.txt Bill Coutts is the SPVC MIB editor. Bill was unable to attend the meeting and Andy presented the status. Frame Relay Soft PVCs (SPVCs) use SVCs to link two PVC endpoints. The concept eases the administrative burden and increases circuit resiliency. The SPVC MIB stores the required cross-connect information at each endpoint. Version 02 of the MIB was published last month. Working group members are asked to review the draft and make comments on the mailing list. FRAME RELAY TO ATM PVC INTERWORKING MIB, draft-ietf-frnetmib-atmiwf-00.txt Andy reported that George Mouradian is no longer serving as editor of the FR/ATM PVC Interworking MIB. Ken Rehbehn will take over this task following update of the FRS MIB. FRAME RELAY DTE SVC MIB, draft-ietf-frnetmib-dte-svc-00.txt Andy reported that Don Cochrane is prepared to post an updated version of this MIB. This extends the RFC 2115 MIB to support SVCs. The Internet Draft is expected within a month. FRAME RELAY FRF.9 DATA COMPRESSION MIB, draft-ietf-frnetmib-dcp-02.txt Andy reported that the old editors have not yet been contacted. The MIB had gone to last call before activity in the group came to a halt. In an attempt to stimulate discussion on the mailing list, the working group decided to forward the MIB in its current state to working group last call. ADDITIONAL WORK ITEMS Editors are requested for a DCE SVC MIB and an FRF.11 Voice over Frame Relay MIB. Andy asked that anyone interested on working on these to please contact him. CHARTER/WORK PLAN A new work plan is required. The current work plan on the working group's web page has completion dates for 1996. The chair will propose a new work plan on the mail list. OPEN DISCUSSION No participants had topics for the open discussion, and the meeting was adjourned.