Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.
David Fowler

The frnetmib wg met twice at the 37th IETF in San Jose.
All new Internet-Drafts are Due on Jan 31/97 but sooner is great!

First Meeting we discussed two internet-drafts: rfc1604bis and
the Interworking MIB


No comments were received and none were raised at the meeting.
The editor raised the question about the security section of the
rfc.  It was decided to add a paragraph discussing how the Frame
Relay Service could be affected by using this MIB and advise that
appropriate security measures be taken when deploying this MIB.
Also, in the CNM Proxy scenario, each write action can be verified
at the proxied management station.

Interworking MIB:

1. Will adopt similar security paragragh as rfc1604bis.
2. Comments from Orit that were posted to the list were discussed and
the following changes will be made:
a. Add ConnectIndex to ConnectTable.
b. Connection Cast Type will not be added.
c. Description of the traffic will be placed in a separate table.
d. OperStatus and LastChange will be made in both directions
e. DE/CLP maaping will have mode1, mode2constant0, and mode2Constant1
f. Same for CLP/DE
g. Some additional text will be added to the description for the
   different modes.
h. The Use of an OID to point to a row of the Traffic description table
   was discussed and an alternate (having a finite set of rows
   in a separate table and the row index put in the connection table)
   was also discussed.  No conclusion could be reached so this will be 
   discussed on the list.

3.  Will add UserName and ProviderName for connections
4.  Will add ConnectIndexNext
5.  Swapping of indices was discussed and will be done once George has
    checked another existing implementation.
6.  Relationships with other MIBs was discussed and George will add
    diagrams and descriptions to indicate that for a switch, FR DTE and 
    ATM Host.  For Service, FRS MIB and ATM Service will be used.
7.  REFERENCe clauses will be added throughout.
8.  ConnEncapsulationMappings will add a None bit, a description
    of each bit (To be supplied by Andy Malis), and a defval of none.
9.  ConnUnrecognizedPayloadHeader will return noSuchInstance if Encaps
    Mapping Mode is transparent.
10. ConnFrAddress and ConnAtmAddress will return a zero-length Octet
    string if unkown.  DEFVAL will be NULL.  
11. Equipment Compliance should indicate that names are not required
    for switches
12. A separate conformance group should be defined for Names and added
    to the ServiceCompliance and mandatory.
13. ServiceCompliance is misnamed as EquipmentCompliance.
14. Trap gets two operstatus fields.
15. FrAddress TC changes to FrAddr (to match object) and is an octet
    string of size 0 or 8.

At the second meeting, two internet-drafts were discussed, the DTE SVC MIB 
and the DCP MIB.


1.  Overall comments: Line up with new FR DTE draft, run MIB through smicng,
    Use Integer32 with a range instead of INTEGER for objects that are
    not enumerations, 
2.  Use ifIndex for index of svcDlcmi table.  Inport from ifMIB.  Do not use
3.  Add a new section up front to indicate interpretation of ifTable.
4.  replace frSvcDlcmiState with a object that list possible signalling
    protocol stack (values none, q933, x36).  none indicates that SVCs are not
5.  Use read-write, not read-create
6.  UNITS clauses would be appropraite for a number of objects like timers
7.  remove q922enable object
8.  Shorten names to max of 32 chars.
9.  Use ifIndex for svc table also
10. Use In/Out instead of Rcv/Send or Incoming/Outgoing
11. Use Counter32 in sequence for counters
12. DLCI Index should be not-accessible
13. Check against latest x.36 spec.
14. In timer object descriptions, indicate that the interface must be
    admin'd to down before timers can be changed.
15. Post for ranges for values to the mailing list and frf mailing list.
16. Change throughput object names to CIR.
17. Put DEFvals into descriptions as well as in defvals.
18. Use FrAddr TC from interworking MIB
19. Use that TC for all calling/called addresses and subaddresses.
20. Add descriptive text at the front of the draft to describe the service
    being represented by the MIB.
21. Use the Dial Control MIB.  Add a compliance for the dial control MIB
22. Add a conformance and compliance section for this MIB
23. Give an expanded overview of the MIB up front.
25. Clarify in descriptions that read-write is not allowed when the call is
    set up.

Data Compression MIB:

1.  Same general comments from other MIB:  ifTable, ifIndex, conformance,
    Compliance, smicng, status current not mandatory, etc.
2.  Describe which objects can be changed on the fly and which cannot.
3.  Add a r/w object for the type of compression being negotiated.
4.  Change ratio objects to Gauge32(1..100) Units "percent"
5.  Change throughput objects to Gauge32 units"bits" with description
    indicating the # of UNcompressed bit tx/rx in the last second.
6.  Expand HistoryReset description
7.  Remove the Clear All Stats object.

James W. Watt,     james@newbridge.com                   Ph: +1 613 591-3600
Newbridge Networks 600 March Rd Kanata ON Canada K2K 2E6 FAX:+1 613 591-3680