Frame Relay Service MIB (frnetmib) ---------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 2002-01-08 Current Status: Concluded Working Group Chair(s): A Malis <> Internet Area Director(s): Thomas Narten <> Erik Nordmark <> Internet Area Advisor: Erik Nordmark <> Technical Advisor(s): David Perkins <> Mailing Lists: General To Subscribe: In Body: subscribe frnetmib Archive: Description of Working Group: The Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group is chartered to define a set of managed objects which will be useful for customer network management of a provider's Frame Relay Service. The working group will consider existing definitions, including the Frame Relay Forum's work in this area. The objects defined by the working group will be consistent with the SNMP framework. The working group will coordinate with both the Frame Relay Forum, the ATM MIB Working Group, and other relevant groups. The working group is chartered to complete four tasks: a) consider revisions to the FRS MIB (currently published as a Proposed Standard in RFC 1604) in light of implementation experience, changes to the interface MIBs (e.g. IF-MIB, DS1-MIB, DS3-MIB, FR-DTE-MIB, creation of the DS0 and DS0 Bundle MIB modules), and evolution of the relevant non-IETF standards, b) prepare a Recommendation to the Area Director as to the appropriate disposition of the (updated) FRS MIB, i.e. that it be advanced to Draft Standard status or that it cycle at Proposed Status, c) develop a set of managed objects to provide the instrumentation required to manage switched-virtual circuits in a frame-relay environment. d) develop a set of managed objects to provide the instrumentation required to manage connections that terminate on a mixture of ATM and Frame Relay interfaces, i.e. interworked connections. These objects will be the minimum necessary to provide the ability to monitor and control interworked connections and shall use existing definitions (e.g. IF-MIB, FRS-MIB, ATM-MIB, etc.) to instrument the interfaces and the "native" parts of the connections. e) develop a set of managed object for the management of Frame Relay Service Level Definitions. f) consider other closely related future work items. In all cases, the working group will keep the Frame Relay and ATM Forums and the ATM MIB WG informed of its progress and will actively solicit their input. All output of the group will be consistent with the existing SNMPv2c framework and standards, including the SNMPv2c Structure of Management Information (SMI). Goals and Milestones: Done Post the initial Internet-Draft for discussion. Done Submit the Frame Relay Service MIB to the IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard. Done Solicit implementation experience for the IWF and SVC cases and 'requirements' for IWF and SVC cases/ Done Post summary of SVC requirements, issues, and a basic proposal for the structure of the SVC instrumentation. Done Post first draft of RFC1604 update as an Intenet-Draft. Done Post IWF MIB document and SVC MIB document as Internet-Drafts. Done Post revised version of RFC1604 update Internet-Draft. Done Meet at Montreal IETF to review RFC1604 update document and develop recommendation on advancement. Done Submit final version of RFC1604 Internet-Draft to Area Director, requesting Directorate review. Done Post revisions of IWF MIB and SVC MIB as Internet-Drafts. Done WG Last Call for SVC MIB. Done Submit SVC MIB Internet-Drafts to Area Director for referral to Directorate. Done WG last call on IWF MIB, submit Internet Draft to IESG for publication. Done Post revised version of SLD draft. Done WG last call on SLD MIB, submit Internet Draft to IESG for publication. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------ RFC1596 PS MAR 94 Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service RFC1604 PS MAR 94 Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service RFC2954 PS OCT 00 Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service RFC2955 PS OCT 00 Definitions of Managed Objects for Monitoring and Controlling the Frame Relay/ATM PVC Service Interworking Function RFC3020 PS DEC 00 Definitions of Managed Objects for Monitoring and Controlling the UNI/NNI Multilink Frame Relay Function RFC3202 PS JAN 02 Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service Level Definitions RFC3201 PS JAN 02 Definitions of Managed Objects for Circuit to Interface Translation