Minutes of the FIND Working Group
		40th IETF, Washington, DC

Chair: Patrik Faltstrom
Minues: Sally Hambridge
Problems, typos and misconceptions mine alone.

The FIND working group met for the last time.  There are a number of
documents on the table and Working Group last call is on right
now.  Send any comments by 12/19/97.
The documents are:

Most of there have changed by one revision number to reflect the
decision not to add a new mime type for index objects, but to
add a new brance to the tree for them.  This is because adding a new
mime type would be opening a Pandora's box of other groups creating
mime types for every new object which might appear, and we didn't want
to do that.

The document draft-ietf-cip-hierarchy-01.txt was also to be updated
as it does not yet follow the structure as an index-object should
according to the new MIME spec. The authors were going to submit
an updated document the following two weeks after the IETF. Patrik
pointed out that because this is only yet another example of
an index-object-type, the wg should not wait with closure for this
last document if it slips away in time.

With the publication of these drafts as RFCs the working group will 

Reported by Sally Hambridge, checked and corrected by Patrik Faltstrom

Email: paf@swip.net            URL: http://www.tele2.se
PGP: 4D38 91A4 27D9 C8B2 6975  D6BB 21D0 4C57 BD23 6602