DNS Security Working Group (DNSSEC)

The DNS Security Working Group met on December 9, 1997, with the
following agenda:

	Implementation Status
	What's Next

After a brief introduction Olafur Gudmundsson gave a brief status report
on the Trusted Information Systems reference implementation of the DNS
security extensions.

TIS has to a large extent completed a prototype implementation of DNSSEC
functionality.  Some of these prototypes will be made available soon.
TIS is working with ISC on integrating the changes into a not to distant
version of BIND.

It is important to realize that SECURE DNS requires at least four tools:

	security aware nameserver (BIND)
	key generation tool 
	DNS zone signing tool
	security aware resolver

Currently there are research prototypes of all of these tools developed,
with the exception of some of the secure resolution in the nameserver.
We will be working with ISC on how best to integrate the lessons from
the secure resolver work into the nameserver without breaking a number
of things.

TIS has started an implementation of the SECUPD draft. 

Paul Vixie reported briefly on the status of DNS security extensions in
Bind indicating that ISC will incorporate the TIS prototype into BIND as
soon as feasible.  John Gilmore has worked out a deployment strategy,
which will allow a minimally security aware server to be released soon
with a fully security aware server to follow later.

The remaining bulk of the meeting was devoted to the 12 documents
currently being reviewed.  Seven of these documents are currently in
Working Group Last Call, which closes on December 19.  The following six
of them will be eligible to be submitted to the IESG for consideration
as Proposed Standards if no significant technical issues are raised
prior to the end of the Last Call:


Most of these documents will have one additional version issued that
includes a few minor editorial changes.  In addition, the IETF policy
requires that unencumbered technologies must be the default, or
mandatory to implement, whenever they exist and meet the necessary
requirements.  As a result, the revision to RFC2065,
draft-ietf-dnssec-secext2-02.txt, will be changed to mandate the use of
DSS as specified by draft-ietf-dnssec-dss-01.txt.  It was left to the
discretion of the author as to whether to merge the two documents or
instead to separate the RSA specification from
draft-ietf-dnssec-secext2-02.txt into a separate document.

The remaining last call document, draft-ietf-dnssec-as-map-05.txt, has
been removed from consideration for publication because two questions
were raised.  First, who will "own" and "manage" the "map-as.arpa"
namespace?  Second, are certain the routing area has a need for this
specification and will use it?  The agreed upon action was to remand
this document to the routing area.

Of the 5 remaining documents, it was agreed to remove
draft-ietf-dnssec-in-key-00.txt from review.  The following 4 documents:


are still under review by the working group.  Time did not permit
significant discussion of these documents.  The first three of them
affect the operational behavior of the secure DNS and are priority work
items; everyone is encouraged to review them.  The last represents a
potential new work item; its author is looking for individuals with whom
to experiment.