
DynUpd Testing
  o Insecure Dynamic Update being coordinated by map
  o Secure Dynamic Update being coordinated by Olafur
  o soliciting implementations, send mail to ogud@tis.com or map@pobox.com
  o plan to run over the open internet
  o prefer authors
  o private mailing list
  o methodology being developed.  based on old mail to list
  o three insecure servers known: BIND, American Internet, Keio Univ (thinks
    it is complete)
  o some more clients
  o TIS is working on a secure server

Notify Testing
  o map@pobox.com is coordinating testing
  o in BIND 8.1.1 4.9.6, IBM OS/2 has notify
  o Andreas has a primary server
  o will write up methodology

IXFR Testing
  o Ohta-san coordinating testing, but too busy
  o implementations: IBM OS/2, MetaInfo on NT, possibly Inria too
  o no methodolgy yet, will write up

  o making specification more strict
  o TCP connection support
  o included timer values included in digest
  o error generation model is now specified
  o will come out soon after dnssec release
  o Andreas has tsig-01, and will update to 02 version
  o secret exchange should be a separate draft
  o we should have a WG last call

  o no one here to speak for it
  o it needs work, spec getting closer but language problems

  o recent criticism regarding ASN.1 examples will be cleaned up
  o if too successful, there may be a problem of many parts of the type then
    returning too many data, might resolve by bucket hashing

  o reserved names for testing and examples would be useful
  o some opinion that one is sufficient and english based ones might be ill
  o suggestion that we look at the ISO reserved list
  o suggest WG last call

  o ran out of RCODEs while doing tsig work
  o hence reserve one for indicating more error codes
  o need for more detail by some protocols, e.g. dynamic update also needs
    error detail
  o need a time indicator for when generator does not know what time it is

Domain name compression in new RR types
  o description of the problem
  o recommends that ranges of RR numbers for compressable and uncompressable
  o dnssec's NXT RR bitmap would make this difficult
  o alternative: new style compression which is local to the RR, not for the
    entire message

  o see the draft
  o has been no significant objection
