Editor's Note:  These minutes have not been edited.

			       DNSIND minutes
				 38th IETF
			   Memphis, 9 April 1997

* Status of various drafts

  - draft-ietf-dnsind-classless-inaddr-{00,01}.txt

    The -00 draft passed working group last call some time ago, and was
    passed on to the IESG.  Comments received from the IESG and other
    parties have been incorporated by the authors into a -01 draft which was
    posted too late for ID for this meeting.

    No major changes.  People should be aware that nameservers which
    delegate zones in this fashion should be authoritative for both the
    parent and child zones, in order to reduce problems in old software with
    CNAME records crossing zone boundaries.

  - draft-ietf-dnsind-2ndry-04.txt

    This draft relies on the Clarify draft, and will progress with it.

  - draft-ietf-dnsind-clarify-{07,08}.txt

    The -07 draft is available, and the -08 draft is nearly ready.  There
    have been no recent requests for additions to this document.

    The major change in the upcoming -08 draft is clarification of what
    should appear in the MNAME field of the SOA record: the name of the
    master host.

    WG last call will be issued when 08 is published.

  - draft-ietf-dnsind-ncache-03.txt

    This draft is not yet ready.  See recent comments on the mailing list.

* Interoperability

  The following documents are on the standards track, and the group intends
  to move them to draft standard.

      RFC 1995 - IXFR (currently Proposed Standard)
      RFC 1996 - Notify (currently Proposed Standard)
      RFC 1982 - serial number arithmetic (currently Proposed Standard)
      draft-ietf-dnsind-dynDNS-11.txt - dynamic update (about to be PS)

  In order for the documents to be advanced to Draft Standard, there must be
  at least two interoperable, independently developed implementations. BIND
  and an implementation for OS/2 are available (except that there's no IXFR
  implementation for bind).

  In the case of serial number arithmetic, Randy Bush will attempt to locate
  or perform a formal proof of correctness, and proposes to use that in lieu
  of one of the implementations.  The IESG and poisson have not encouraged

  Stuart Kwan from Microsoft may be interested in sponsoring an
  interoperability testing bake-off.

  Robert Elz has an implementation of sequence space arithmetic that works
  with an arbitrary number of bits.  This could be tested against the 32-bit
  implementations in various nameservers.

  It was decided that different people will organise and report on the
  testing of different components.

    - Masataka Ohta will organise interoperability testing of IXFR;

    - Michael Patton and Olafur Gudmundsson will organise interoperability
      testing of dynamic update and secure dynamic update;

    - Michael Patton will organise interoperability testing of Notify;

    - Robert Elz will organise interoperability testing of serial number

  It was noted that there's no strict need to perform interoperability
  testing of classless in-addr delegation, because that draft is intended to
  become a BCP, not a Draft Standard.

* Status of DNSSEC drafts that affect DNSIND drafts

  The secure dynamic update draft (draft-ietf-dnssec-update-04.txt) has been
  approved by the IESG and should go to Proposed Standard.  There will be at
  least a six month delay before a PS can move to DS.  It is expected that
  the non-secure dynamic update draft (draft-ietf-dnsind-dynDNS-11.txt) will
  be able to move forward on the standards track together.

* Future of the dnsind working group

  I, N and D (IXFR, Notify, Dynamic update) are essentially completed.
  There are some items, such as TSIG (draft-ietf-dnsind-tsig-01.txt) and the
  Kitchen Sink RR (draft-eastlake-kitchen-sink-01.txt) that can conveniently
  be handled by dnsind.  There are other issues, such as negative cacheing
  and future evolution of the DNS, that might be better handled elsewhere.
  It's not clear what the most appropriate course would be.

  The chair indicated that he was waiting for guidance from the IESG on what
  should be done with the TSIG draft.  If guidance is not forthcoming within
  a week or so, a WG last call will be issued.  The authors may make a quick
  update first.

Thanks to Alan Barret for acting as scribe.