Detecting Network Attachment (dna)

 Last Modified: 2008-09-23

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Greg Daley  <>
     Suresh Krishnan  <>

 Internet Area Director(s):
     Ralph Droms  <>
     Jari Arkko  <>

 Internet Area Advisor:
     Jari Arkko  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       subscribe dna

Description of Working Group:

When an IPv6 node detects or suspects that its
 underlying link layer (L2) connectivity has or
 may have undergone a change, it needs to check
 whether its IP layer (L3) addressing and routing
 configurations are still valid or have changed.
 In the case that the L3 connectivity has changed,
 the node needs to reconfigure and may need to
 initiate mobility procedures, such as sending
 Mobile IP binding updates. Changes in an L2
 connection do not necessarily mean that
 there has been change in L3 connectivity.

 For the purposes of detecting network attachment,
 an L3 link is defined as the topological range
 within which IP packets may be sent without resorting to
 forwarding. In other words, a link is the
 range where a given IP configuration is valid.

 In IPv6, the IP layer configuration information
 includes the set of valid unicast addresses[RFC 2462,
 RFC 3315], the Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)
 status of the addresses[RFC 2462], valid routing
 prefixes[RFC 2461], set of default routers[RFC 2461],
 neighbor and destination caches[RFC 2461], multicast
 listener (MLD) state[RFC 2710]. The current IPv6
 stateless and stateful autoconfiguration procedures
 may take a fairly long time due to delays associated
 with Router Discovery and Duplicate Address Detection.

 The main goal of this WG is to develop mechanisms that
 reduce or avoid such delays, in cases where they are
 not necessary. For example if an interface comes back
 up after having been down momentarily, it can be
 quicker to verify that one is still attached to the
 same link than rerunning the full reconfiguration as
 if one were connecting to a new L3 link and had no
 previous configuration information cached.

 In some wireless technologies, the link layer state
 and events may not give an accurate indication of
 whether or not the IP addressing configuration and
 routability have changed. For example, a host may
 be able to see a base station but still be unable to
 deliver or receive IP packets within the L3 link.
 Moreover, a hardware indication that a radio link
 is up does not necessarily mean that all link layer
 configuration, such as authentication or virtual
 LAN connectivity has been completed. Therefore
 detecting network attachment requires not only
 change detection but IP layer connectivity testing.

 The purpose of the DNA working group is to define
 standards track and BCP documents that allow hosts
 to detect their IP layer configuration and
 connectivity status quickly, proposing some
 optimization to the current specifications that
 would allow a host to reconfigure its IPv6 layer
 faster than today.

 The group will define a set of goals for detecting
 network attachment, describing existing issues
 and important properties of potential solutions.

 The working group will describe best current practice
 for nodes making use of existing information
 for detecting network attachment.

 The working group will define a set of extensions to the
 current IPv6 configuration protocols [RFC 2461, 2462,
 possibly RFC 3315] that allow the nodes to
 discover whether L3 configuration or connectivity
 may have changed more reliably and easily than today.

 Initiation of L3 link change detection procedures can
 be achieved either through reception (or lack of
 reception) of messages at the IP layer or through
 indications from other layers. The working group
 will produce an informational document that
 contains a catalogue of the indications currently
 available from a subset of wireless link layer

 The DNA WG will not define new procedures or APIs
 related to link layers.


     * Define goals for detecting network attachment in IPv6

     * Specify recommendations for detecting network
           attachment and L3 link change in IPv6 networks (BCP).

     * Define a protocol extension for detecting network
         attachment and L3 link change in IPv6 networks
         more reliably and easily (Standards Track).

     * Document existing link layer (L2) information which is
         useful to start detecting network attachment

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Submit to IESG Goals for Detecting Network Attachment in IPv6 

   Done         Submit to IESG Existing Link Layer Hints Catalogue 

   Oct 2008       Submit 'Tentative options for link-layer addresses' to IESG as 
                Standards Track 

   Nov 2008       Submit 'Detecting Network Attachment in IPv6' to IESG as 

   Jan 2009       Submit 'Simple procedures for Detecting Network Attachment in 
                IPv6' to IESG as Standards Track 

   Mar 2009       Submit 'Fast Router Discovery with Link-Layer Support' to IESG 
                as Informational 

   Mar 2009       Close WG 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Apr 2008 Sep 2009   <draft-ietf-dna-simple-09.txt>
                Simple procedures for Detecting Network Attachment in IPv6 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC4135 I    Aug 2005    Goals of Detecting Network Attachment in IPv6 

RFC4957 I    Aug 2007    Link-layer Event Notifications for Detecting Network 