AToMMIB WG - 12/11/00        Reported by Faye Ly
The working group met once on Monday and the objectives for the meeting are:
1. Review the status of ATM 2 MIB.
2. Review the status of SONET APS MIB.
3. Consider Fiber Channel MIB as part of the AToMMIB WG charter.
4. Review AToMMIB WG charter.


1. Faye Ly presented the latest draft of ATM 2 MIB.  David Allen from Nortel raised an issue regarding adding objects to cover ADSL stuff and latter on decided to withdraw the proposal.  There is no other issue with this draft (14).  This draft will be submitted to IESG by March 2001 or sooner.

2. Jeff Johnson presented the latest draft of Sonet APS MIB.
Issues: Is 0 a valid value?  Editor to post this to the mailing list.  This is the only remaining issue and once resolved, this draft or a new draft will be submitted to IESG by March 2001 or sooner.

3. Mark Stewart presented the Optical Channel MIB (draft 00).  A few issues came up:

     3.1 Need a liaison between ITU and this WG.  Lakshimi Raman from Teraburst.

     3.2 Need ifTypes from IANA for OCH and OTH.  (Action items for Faye/Nathan).

     3.3 Alarm report control (ARC) needs coordination from the disman working group.  If they have a frame work we can use, use it.  If not, stick to what we have.  Action for Lakshimi to post a paragraph to the disman WG to state the requirement.

     3.4 Editor needs to double check the intervals/alarm threshold MIB objects in the MIB and make sure they match the Perf TC MIB conventions.

The WG agreed to embrace this MIB as part of the atommib charter.
Action for Faye/Nathan to make this happen with the area director.

4. Who has implemented RFC 2558?  People are asking for implementation experience and looking for room to add/change the objects in RFC 2558.  (Action for Faye/Nathan to ask for implementation experience from the mailing list).

5. Can this WG also include the work for ATM Forum's ATM APS MIB??  Mike Sneed (ECI) and Orly Nicklass (RAD) to post to the mailing list the first draft.

6. Circuit Interface MIB from the Frame Relay working group.  What is this working group's reaction to the mib??  (Action: Robert Steinber to post to the atommib mailing list again and Faye/Nathan to gather response).