Application MIB Working Group Minutes
                          39th IETF - Munich
                        Reported By Jon Saperia

The Application MIB Working Group met on Monday to discuss the
Application, and World Wide Web MIBs.  The published agenda for the
meeting was:

General Meeting Agenda Topics

	1. Mailing List and other administration.
	2. Status of current work and review of schedule.

Agenda Items for The Application MIB

	1. Summary of changes applied to draft since Memphis meeting.
	2. Response Time/Transaction Objects.
	3. Other open issues.
	4. Last Call for any additions?
	5. Schedule for Completion.

Agenda Items for the WWW MIB

	1. Summary of changes applied to draft since Memphis meeting.
	2. Discussion of proxy. Proposals to add attributes?
	3. Error handling. Proposals for new attributes?
	4. Document table. LastN. Relation to logging in applmib.
	5. Last Call for any additions?
	6. Schedule for Completion.

Meeting Summary

	1. Action Items.
	2. Schedule of events.
	3. Close

To begin the meeting Jon Saperia reviewed the status of the working
group documents and charter updates.  The System Application MIB had
been awaiting Area Director action for some time and as of the meeting
no information had been received about the status of our requests to
move the document to Proposed Standard.  The updated charter for our
working though not posted on the IETF WEB page was delivered to the Area
Directors and mailed to the working group in April.

Our goal was to finish reviews of the Application MIB and WWW MIBs so
that comments could be incorporated and new drafts issued early in
September.  This would mean that if consensus can be reached prior to
the next IETF, the working group would not have to meet in Washington
since we will have accomplished our current list of work items.

Summary of Changes Made to the Application MIB since the Memphis IETF:

  1.  Transaction statistics and Services tables have been added to the
  MIB.  The statistics tables allow for data retrieval per transaction
  type per direction per transaction stream.  The services tables allow
  for the connection of a service level view (such as that found in the
  WWW MIB) with the process level view found in the Application MIB.

  2.  References to the ARM work have been included (and will be
  refined) to reflect our attempt to align the new transaction
  statistics with the ARM work.

  3.  Additional information was added to discuss the issues associated
  with providing a collision-free mechanism for allocating service
  instance indexes.

  4.  Made index column information readable for easier mapping between
  service and application instances.

Refinements to be Added for next draft to be published early at the end
of the first week of September.

  1.  Transaction tables will be modified so that information by service
  can also be retrieved.

  2.  Text to recommend that a convention for service name  be based on
  RFC1700 when available.

  3.  Add applSvcInstQual to applSrvNameToSrvInstTable which will be a
  'human readable' string.

  4.  Will fix applSrvName to remove URL specification.

  5.  Add text to say connection listeners are included in the

  6.  Will add truncation algorithm to applOpenFileXrefTable and make
  clear this is for full path names and let people know that the other
  table in which the full path name which will not be truncated can be
  found.  There was some discussion of the truncation approach and it
  was agreed that cutting from the right was best.

  7.  Section 4.1 needs an example service for clarity along with
  explanation of reasoning of what is and is not a service.  Also we
  will make clear that a person who implements this MIB can 'define'
  their own service.

There were no additional proposals or outstanding requests for new
objects at the end of the meeting so the next version of the document
will be complete and it is anticipated ready for a working group last

Summary of Changes Made to the WWW MIB since the Memphis IETF:

  1.  A large number of attributes that were not required have been
  removed or recombined.

  2.  There were significant changes to the Document Table and it has
  effectively been replaced.  There will now be two 'buckets' one for
  last N Documents and another for top N.  The Top N will be controlled
  by an object to set the size of the table.

  3.  Removed Application MIB extension tables which had no elements.

  4.  Wrote some minimal compliance statements (additional ones to be

  5.  A large number of editorial changes were also made.

  6.  There were no proposals for proxy elements posted to the mailing list
  or made at the meeting.  None will be added.


  1.  A request had been posted to the mailing list for proposals for
  additional objects to support proxy.  None were submitted and none
  were proposed at the meeting.  No additional objects will be added for

  2.  Error handling objects were discussed and viewed as general issues
  not specific to the WWW MIB.  Some of these issues are covered in the
  Application MIB.  If there are any specific additions to be made, they
  should be posted to the list with specific objects by August 25.
  There was a request that the mailing list take up a discussion if
  there is interest in 1 or two objects to record the total number of
  failures and requests.

  3.  A second 'top n' table will be added to provide information about
  accesses and bytes served.

  5.  The default of 15 minutes will be used for the 'buckets' for the

  6.  Sort order to be removed from control table since it is no longer
  needed because of the two top n tables.

  7.  There was some discussion about how to count multiple responses to
  a single request.  Clarifications will be made in the document.

  8.  A desire was expressed for the addition of an attribute for a
  global count of transactions not completed.  Carl and Juergen to look
  at this.

  9.  Response text needs clarification - Juergen will provide new text.

  10.. 64 bit counters like those found in the application mib will be
  added where appropriate and conformance wording added as necessary.

It is expected that the revised WWW MIB will be posted for review around
the end of the first week of September.