Editor's Note: Minutes received 12/12/92


Reported by John Veizades/Apple

Minutes of the IP over AppleTalk Working Group (APPLEIP)

AppleTalk Systems Interoperability Group (ASIG)

Greg Minshall is setting up the ASIG. The IETF can't take on AppleTalk
due to size and logistical issues, however, they've given us rooms to
talk about AppleTalk only issues.  The general ASIG issues include
general approaches to routing.

AURP - Alan Oppenheimer

UDP port 387 is the official AURP port.  All current Apple prototypes
are all still 200.  When it ships should use 387.

ATCP - Brad Parker

RFC 1378 gained status as a Proposed Standard three weeks ago.  It can
be moved to Draft Standard after some comments are resolved.  These are
related to the various combinations of router to router, end-system to
router, and end system to proxy forwarding agent option negotiations in
the implementation notes appendix.

MacIP - Chris Ranch

The document was posted to the internet-drafts directory late, but we
went through it on a line by line basis anyway.  We were able to
relegate some implementations specific notes and recommendations from
the protocol specification, and move them to the notes and
recommendations sections.  Another Internet-Draft will be published by
the end of the year.

MIB Views- Steve Waldbusser

Steve presented how MIB views can be used to solve the configure time
and real time management issue.  Very informative, as there is
significant interest in configuration issues.

Other MIB Issues - Karen Frisa

The importance of compatibility with RFC1243 (old consoles should still
work) was brought up as a goal for the MIB variable trimming exercise.

The AppleTalk MIB+ was discussed and for the most part closure was
reached on all issues.   98 variables were trimmed from  230 and an
Internet-Draft should be published shortly.


Karen will evaluate whether it is prudent to deprecate RFC1243 variables
in MIB+ or whether it makes better sense to leave them as they are.

The issues of how to do zone changes with this MIB was raised.
Discussion on possible solutions will take place on the mailing list.

Greg Bruell brought up the issue of per port statistics.  He reports
that gathering statistics in this fashion makes problem diagnostics
easier.  This would require substantial changes to the MIB at this date
and was tabled for further discussion and possibly another version of
the MIB.


David Ballowe            ballowe@compatible.com
Gregory Bruell           gob@wellfleet.com
Steve Bucey              sabucey@ns.pacbell.com
Philip Budne             phil@shiva.com
Wesley Craig             wes@umich.edu
Peter DiCamillo          Peter_DiCamillo@brown.edu
David Dubois             dad@pacersoft.com
Richard Ford             72510.553@compuserve.com
Karen Frisa              karen.frisa@andrew.cmu.edu
Ken Hirata               khirata@emulex.com
Bob Jeckell              rrj@3com.com
Charley Kline            cvk@uiuc.edu
Grisha Kotlyar           grisha@farallon.com
Joshua Littlefield       josh@cayman.com
Dan Magorian             magorian@ni.umd.edu
Evan McGinnis            bem@3com.com
Greg Merrell             merrell@caldec.enet.dec.com
Daniel Myers             dan@nsd.3com.com
Alan Oppenheimer         oppenheime1@applelink.apple.com
Brad Parker              brad@fcr.com
Christopher Ranch        cranch@novell.com
Mike Ritter              mwritter@applelink.apple.com
Michael Safly            saf@tank1.msfc.nasa.gov
Paul Serice              serice@cos.com
William Simpson          Bill.Simpson@um.cc.umich.edu
Timon Sloane             timon@rahul.net
Robert Snyder            snyder@cisco.com
John Veizades            veizades@apple.com
A. Lee Wade              wade@nsipo.nasa.gov
Jonathan Wenocur         jhw@shiva.com
Gerry White              gerry@lancity.com
Peter Wilson             peter_wilson@3com.com
Kiho Yum                 kxy@nsd.3com.com
