Editor's Note: Received 8/14


Reported by John Veizades/Apple

Minutes of the IP over AppleTalk Working Group (APPLEIP)

A proposal was made to limit the discussion to only old items, new
business should be brought up either in future BOFs or when a specific
Working Group is formed to discuss the issue.


   o Status and comments on the Evans-Ranch Document.
   o Could the Thursby DecNET model be used for MacIP-2?
   o Specific protocol description without any implementation details.
   o Implementation hints should be in the appendix of the document.
   o Goal for MacIP 2 to make customers happy.
   o Is there a desire or need to do anything more than document the
     current working model?
   o Time line for completion of this effort Proposed Standard by
     November IETF to the Working Group Chair.

IP over LTalk

IP over the localtalk Chris Ranch (Novell) wants to experiment with it.

General Appletalk MIB

   o Discussion of DDP forwarding table and an understanding of the next
     hop gateway.
   o Add Diffs to 1243.



   o Little to say.
   o Posted to pacer ftp in the next few weeks with differences from the
     previous specification.


Presented and will be published to the list for comments.



Status of SNMP over DDP

   o Being discussed in the Multiprotocol SNMP Group.
   o Going to Proposed Standard.


   o Status of implementations.
   o Document to be published as an informational RFC.
   o Added Device hiding, ZIP storm, Backup paths, etc.
   o Implementation notes to be added to document.
   o Roll out at WWDC, InterOp DC, MacTivity, InterOp SF.
   o Shiva, Novell, Cayman and Apple are interoperating.
   o Contact Craig Brenner or Alan O at Apple to interoperate at InterOp


   o Really close to being a 100 percent done to be proposed as a
   o Interoperability ??  Cayman has some of this done.

Greg Burell and Routers

Codification of the bringing up of a router.

AppleTalk Routing Issues

What's next?  Apple wants to come up with an advance routing protocol
(local).  Should have scalability, load balancing, type of service
routing, no hop count limit, multicast routing.  Link state vs.
distance vector?  Based on a Standard with a transition strategy.  Apple
will work independently, with Standards groups and with individual
organizations.  No commitment to use what comes out of the Standards

Working Group Status- Greg Minshall

   o NO forum for the discussion of AppleTalk issues in a public forum.
   o How does Apple fit into this structure.  How does the IETF fit into
   o We have a Group of Working Groups that could take over this work.


     Have to present this to the IESG.

Charters and presentation to the IESG by November IETF

   o NO decision making apparatus.
   o Need to meet with Phil Gross and Vint Cerf.

Noel and AppleTalk in the IETF

   o History of the AppleTalk proposed at the Santa Fe IETF and was
     discussed with Apple.

   o Where is AppleTalk going in the long run...  Do we always maintain
     a completely separate protocol stack.

   o Proposed to Vint - do we move to a common layer three or even four?

   o There must be a statement of where AppleTalk is going in the long
     run to get buy in from the IESG.

   o Protocols that relate closely to the IETF sphere of protocols then
     the protocol can fall under the IETF- AppleTalk and IS to IS falls
     far a field of this.


Atul Bansal              bansal@wile.enet.dec.com
James Beers              beers@nr-tech.cit.cornell.edu
Rich Brown               Richard.E.Brown@Dartmouth.edu
Gregory Bruell           gob@wellfleet.com
Philip Budne             phil@shiva.com
Cyrus Chow               cchow@orion.arc.nasa.gov
Tim Cleveland            tac@lkg.dec.com
Peter DiCamillo          Peter_DiCamillo@brown.edu
Karen Frisa              karen.frisa@andrew.cmu.edu
Bob Jeckell              rrj@3com.com
Miriam Kadansky          mckadansky@eng.xyplex.com
Hock-Koon Lim            lim@po.cwru.edu
Joshua Littlefield       josh@cayman.com
Greg Merrell             merrell@caldec.enet.dec.com
Beth Miaoulis            beth@cayman.com
Greg Minshall            minshall@wc.novell.com
Alan Oppenheimer         oppenheime1@applelink.apple.com
J. Bradford Parker       brad@cayman.com
Christopher Ranch        cranch@novell.com
Tom Reuther              reuther@nac.dec.com


Mike Ritter              mwritter@applelink.apple.com
Sam Roberts              sroberts@farallon.com
Guenter Roeck            roeck@conware.de
Frank Slaughter          fgs@shiva.com
Timon Sloane             peernet!timon@uunet.uu.net
Evan Solley              evan@farallon.com
Brad Steinka             brad@microcom.com
David Stine              dstine@cisco.com
Wayne Tackabury          wft@pacersoft.com
John Veizades            veizades@apple.com
Steven Waldbusser        waldbusser@andrew.cmu.edu
Jesse Walker             walker@eider.lkg.dec.com
Jonathan Wenocur         jhw@shiva.com
