Reported by John Veizades/Apple


The Apple-IP Working Group met on January 9th in conjuction with the San
Francisco MacWorld Exposition.  This is a summary of the decisions that
were made at that meeting.

The MacIP and AppleTalk MIB are both approaching standards submission.

There was some discusion about the standardization of the AA protocal
but no conclusions were made.

The standardization of AppleTalk PPP extensions will be brought up for
discussion at the St.  Louis IETF meeting.  Brad Parker and Frank
Slaughter will work on a proposal on this protocol.

The AppleTalk Tunneling document was discussed for the rest of the
meeting.  The following open topics were left.

   o The authority over the registration of UIDs Apple was proposed.
   o What to do with hop count
   o How to maintain the tunneling gateways routing tables

The group came to the conclusion that implementation was possible and
developers were encouraged to do so.

The next meeting will be at the St.  Louis IETF meeting with subsequent
meetings at the following possible times:

   o Apple Developers Conference May 91
   o Atlanta IETF August 91 or
   o MacWorld Boston August 91
   o InterOp Oct 91
   o Los Alamos IETF Dec 91
