Reported by Marcus Leech, Bell Northern Research 

Minutes of the Authenticated Firewall Traversal Working Group 

The AFT Working Group held a (traditionally brief) meeting at the 
34th IETF.

The Agenda included the notice of IETF LAST CALL on:

o  draft-ietf-aft-socks-protocol-v5-05.txt; and
o  draft-ietf-aft-username-password-01.txt.

Some controversy existed with regard to draft-ietf-aft-gssapi-02.txt.  
Since John Myers' SASL draft covered very similar material, John felt 
that SASL would be a better mandatory requirement than the current 
mandatory requirement for draft-ietf-aft-gssapi-02.txt.  Consensus was 
called for, and a unanimous decision was reached to go with draft-ietf-
aft-gssapi-02.txt, the draft that Piers McMahon has been working on 
for several months.

There was also a presentation by Marcus Leech and Dave Blob on their 
implementations of SOCKS V5.

There were no other issues raised at this meeting.